Roblox User And Growth Stats 2023

Roblox is a global phenomenon that’s been growing steadily since it was launched back in 2006, as a start-up. All signs point to continued growth as time goes on and it’s all thanks to the kind of information that anyone can learn in the best SEO webinars on the internet. It’s no mistake that this company has exploded and you could be using their techniques on your own business right now.
The simple fact is that a company like Roblox has a deep understanding of how to use the internet and great marketing strategies to its advantage. It’s not something that you can leave on the to-do list for very long if you want exposure. You have to know how to use the system and get traffic to your site!
Help from the Pandemic
There’s no denying the fact that the pandemic has had a massively positive effect on the gaming industry. People were stuck at home with nothing better to do than pass the time exploring new games. That means that these users had to be able to find the games that interested them and that all came down to marketing.
If Roblox hadn’t been perfectly positioned to guide internet traffic directly to them, they would have never experienced the kind of rapid growth that they did. Now you can find Roblox users all over the globe and business has never been better. We can take a look at their use and growth statistics to see just how far they’ve come since their inception.
Users by Year
Heading back to February 2016, we can see that Roblox has spent the previous decade amassing a decent size following with a little over 9 million users. Then the kind of tactics that you can learn from the careful planning kicked in. In less than a year, Roblox exploded from those 9 million users up to 30 million users by December 2016.
That’s a massive growth spurt, but they would continue to grow at much the same rate. December 2017 saw them hit a full 64 million users in just a year. That number would double by April 2020 and reach 146 million. Remember that this is a company that only saw growth of 9 million users in an entire decade between 2006 and 2016!
Massive Growth
We can look at their more recent growth to see how quickly they’re expanding and taking over the gaming world. There’s been an increase in daily, active users of 170.8% in Q4 2020 over Q4 2018. That’s the kind of expansion that most companies can only dream of and they did it by putting comparatively little work into it, with comparatively low overhead.
That translates into 43.2 million daily, active users all over the world. Those kinds of numbers are usually unheard of by small startup companies, but this one promises to see even bigger growth as time goes on. There’s no telling how big they’re going to get!
Giant Leaps
If you look at the daily active user numbers when it comes on an annual basis, you’ll see that it hasn’t been a steady incline for them. It’s been the exact opposite. They’ve gotten to the numbers they’re at now in huge explosions that propelled them forward. That makes it clear that it all comes down to web presence and how they’re reaching their audience.
Their DAU number for the year 2019 topped out at 12 million. That’s not how many users they had, it’s how many individual people used their product every single day. 2019 saw a jump to 17.6, but the following year was even bigger. That one had a massive bound to 32.6 million DAUs!
It’s a Worldwide Phenomenon
Don’t think that this is only happening in the United States, where Roblox was conceived, though. They’ve used a clear web growth strategy to expand all over the globe. Only 28% of their daily active users are based in the United States and Canada.
If you want to see just how far their reach has spread, just take a look at their European and Asian numbers. Their Q2 2021 numbers for Europe hit 11.8 million daily active users. That same data set is at 7.2 million in Asia.
Engagement Hours
Naturally, you have to have a great product behind your web presence if you want to keep your users engaged and coming back to you day after day. That’s why Roblox has succeeded on that front as well. Their engagement hours have continued to grow right alongside their daily active user numbers, and that’s quite an accomplishment.
The engagement hours back in Q1 of 2018 were sitting right at 2.1 billion, which is very impressive. Jump ahead to Q1 2020 and you see that number has climbed up to 4.87 billion, more than doubling. That pales in comparison to Q1 2021, which has their engagement hours at a substantial 9.67 billion.
How Roblox makes Money
All of this engagement and use is great, but any company is also going to need a way of making money from all of their interaction. Once you get to enjoy the benefits of great user traffic, you have to find a way to monetize it. That’s why this company has come up with several different ways of making that happen for themselves.
The first strategy is to get people signed up for their premium subscription services while they play. That’s going to be a guaranteed source of income that the company can always count on coming in. They also charge commissions from their developers to keep their games in the public eye on their platform, and that’s well worth the money for them.
The main source of income for the company is its “Robux” system. This is an in-game currency that users can earn simply by playing the game. Once they earn that income, they can spend it however they want. This is a great way to keep users invested in the game and to sell ad space to companies that want eyes on them all the time.
On top of that, the Robux can also be traded for real-world money. That means that anyone playing the game can take the Robux they’ve earned and turn it into USD. That drives just as much traffic as one can imagine when you consider that designing and playing Roblox games can now be considered a person’s job!
Developer Cut
If you’re thinking about developing your own games for Roblox then you don’t have to look very far to find all of the information you need on the subject. What’s great about it is that you’ll be earning a full 70% of the price paid to download your game. That’s a percentage that you would be hard-pressed to find on any other platform and Roblox does it for a reason.
Roblox has extensive web outreach in place and they need to have a way to hold onto the traffic as it finds its way to their platform. That’s why they need a steady stream of high-quality games for their users to play. By letting developers hang onto 70% of the income, they’re freeing themselves up to make money off of subscription fees and paid upgrades for the games’ users.
What is Roblox Market Worth right now?
All of this information is going to give you a sense of just how successful Roblox has been by using the traffic they receive to continue their growth, but it all comes down to worth. There’s no point in putting this much effort into becoming a global phenomenon if you’re not making money off of it. Luckily for Roblox, they have the income to match their worldwide status as one of the biggest gaming platforms around.
March 2021 saw Roblox with a market cap of $35.69 billion, and that was a very short amount of time ago. As everyone knows, the market fluctuates constantly and this company isn’t immune to that. Their highest market cap was in June 2021, with $56.74. Their latest information puts them right at $43.02 billion in October 2021.
Impressive Revenue Growth
Their revenue growth is just as impressive as their market growth and the numbers highlight that. They’ve made such impressive gains over the past few years that no one could have seen this kind of growth coming from them. They’re set to move into the billions of dollars in income if their growth continues the trends that it’s been setting for years.
Q1 2018 had a very nice revenue of $59.72 million for Roblox, but that was only a preview of what was to come for them. Fast forward to Q4 2019 and you see that number jump up to $138.34 million! Now look at the numbers from Q2 2021 and you’ll see that Roblox is a behemoth at $454.1 million and it all comes right back to their excellent use of user interaction to drive some very impressive traffic!