Instagram Demographic Statistics: How Many People Use Instagram In 2023?

It’s no overstatement to say that a lot of people use Instagram and that it’s only growing in popularity. There’s a constant influx of new users keeping it fresh and that’s why it’s always a good idea to get engaging Instagram followers for your accounts. These are users that, not only follow you but interact with your posts.
Instagram is one of the best ways to share your content and products on the internet and that’s not going to change anytime soon. It’s a readymade audience and it’s easy to target the types of users you want. All you have to do is take a look at how many people use Instagram in 2023 to know that it’s a powerful tool for your business.
Billions of Downloads
The easiest way to start understanding how popular this app happens to be is to simply look at the number of downloads. It’s currently sitting at a full 3.8 billion downloads across the world! That number is difficult to comprehend because it’s so large!
You can compare it to similar apps to understand it a little bit better. TikTok is one of the newest apps around and it’s already so popular that it’s been downloaded 2.6 billion times. Then there’s Facebook, which has been around for almost two decades, sitting at a massive 5 billion downloads.
What Downloads mean
While the number of downloads an app has doesn’t directly translate to the number of active users, it gives you plenty of information about its popularity. For instance, looking at downloads for Twitter will show you that it’s on a downward trend. That information is echoed in its daily user counts and interaction numbers.
Instagram is continuing to grow and its audience is only getting larger. That means that anyone using the app will have instant access to a major audience that’s more likely to engage in your content than on a less popular platform. This is why it only makes sense to get engaging Instagram followers that will interact with your content and share it.
Active Monthly Users
The next set of data to look at is the active monthly user number that Instagram has to offer its users. They’ve previously announced that they have over 1 billion active monthly users and that’s a really impressive number. You can add up the active monthly users for Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter and it won’t reach 1 billion.
An active monthly user is a person that actively opens and uses the app at least once a month. That’s why the number is so important. These aren’t simply people who downloaded and never used the app, they’re active users and that’s what matters.
How it gets used
We also have to consider how the app is being used if you want to fully understand it. Instagram is largely a photo and video-sharing app and that’s how it gets used. There are over 95 million videos and photos being shared on the app every day.
That translates to some fierce competition when you create an account to share your content and products. While you can take full advantage of their keyword system, you’ll need to understand how to effectively use the app to your benefit. That’s where the ability to get engaging Instagram followers will help you stand out from the crowd on a highly populated app.
Active Time spend on Instagram
Another data point to consider is the amount of time that users spend on the app, daily. If most users simply open the app, look at their home page, and close it, it’s not going to net you very much engagement. That’s why it’s a very good thing that most people using the app will actively engage with it for 30 minutes at a time.
The majority of Instagram users spend about half an hour a day on it and that’s a decent amount of time. It gives them plenty of time to consume content from multiple posters while they’re using it. That can give you a good idea of the best way to strategize your marketing to get the most out of it.
Instagram Stories is a Hit
Instagram recently released a feature called Stories and it’s been a major success so far. If you’re unfamiliar with it, this feature allows users to post photos and videos that get deleted from their accounts after 24 hours. It’s very reminiscent of another app, Snapchat, and users are taking advantage of it.
Any person or company that’s interested in increasing their reach needs to take advantage of Stories as best they can. It surpassed 400,000 daily active users in 2018 and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. If you want to get the most out of this app and what it can do for your content, utilizing Stories is a must.
Many Companies are on Instagram
There was a recent study from eMarketer that looked at U.S. businesses and Instagram. They found that, nationwide, a full 71% of businesses are already on Instagram. What’s impressive here is the fact that this number was only 32.3% in 2015.
That’s a huge amount of growth but it becomes even more important when you compare them to the percentage of businesses using the competitors. Only 67% of U.S. businesses are on Twitter. That means that companies vastly prefer the interaction they get on Instagram and they’re driving its growth at the same time.
Instagram Users Interact with Companies
With all of this information in mind, it still gets better for businesses on Instagram. It turns out that 80% of Instagram users engage with companies daily. That same number of users also follows at least one company with their account.
That is why it’s so important that you get engaging Instagram followers for your content or business. You’re going to have a built-in audience that’s not afraid to interact with your posts and follow your links. It’s one of the best ways to drive traffic to your web platform and get dedicated users interacting with your site.
Hashtags make the Post
Anyone using Instagram regularly has to know how important hashtags happen to be. These are used in any post that gets viewed by large numbers of people. What most users don’t realize is that most of these hashtags are also branded.
No matter what the hashtag happens to be, there’s almost always a company behind it and that’s driving traffic and interaction right to their door. It’s a very good idea to come up with a hashtag strategy to get the most out of your Instagram account. There are also going to be other uses for adding them to their posts for you.
Instagram Ads Make Money
The most important feature that’s been added to Instagram is the ability to buy ad space from them. These ads are then put in front of users that are most likely to engage with them and drive traffic. They work very well and it’s easy to see that when you take a look at how much money they make the company.
Instagram ad revenue is currently sitting at $9.45 billion. That’s straight revenue going right to Instagram and there’s a reason that companies are willing to pay it out to them. The ad system works and it drives business for the companies that use it.
The Ads are Far Reaching
What makes these ads so successful is the fact that they have the ability to 928 million people at any given time. That’s the best reason to spend the money to advertise your business on Instagram. That kind of reach is next to impossible to reach on any other online platform.
These ads are also much less expensive than traditional media ads. Buying ad space on TV or radio can cost a company thousands of dollars and end up being completely ineffectual. Buying ad space on Instagram is a much smaller risk with the potential for a much higher payout in the end.
Posting doesn’t have to be Constant
With so much interaction and so much money going around, it seems like companies have to share multiple posts every day, just to keep up with the other users on the platform. That’s simply not true, though. It turns out that only 5% of Instagram accounts post at least once a day.
It’s simply not necessary to constantly churn out content on Instagram. Users will continue to interact and engage with their posts a few days after they’ve been posted. That’s a bit different from other platforms that force you to post multiple times a day, just to stay in the public eye.
7 Posts per Week is the Key
If you want to get the most out of Instagram and take full advantage of its huge growth and popularity then posting 7 times a week is the key. Once you get engaging Instagram followers, 7 posts a day is going to be enough to keep them interested in your brand and interacting with your posts. Anything more may be helpful, but not necessary.
That makes Instagram the best option for any business to drive traffic and interaction. It has a larger user base and more engagement than its competitors. It also takes less work, so it only makes sense to take advantage of it!