IDO Marketing and PR: Everything You Need To Know

Over the 10+ years of the cryptocurrency world’s run, we’ve seen multitudes of ways that projects introduced crowdfunding in the equation, all to gain enough funding and supporters that will back their project until it goes live and grows.
From Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) where investors are given proprietary tokens in exchange for their money and support, to Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) which are more secure in nature as the funds are kept in a centralized exchange instead of a treasury that the project could just run away with, there’s been a period of trial-and-error in this sector, which lead to loss of assets, distrust, and a general resentment of the public towards crowdfunding methods in the industry.
For a while, the cryptocurrency world persisted without the need for crowdfunding models as projects do the seeding in-house through presales, but this method failed to bring in people that are dedicated to support them through thick and thin.
All changed though, as the industry discovered another form of approach that doesn’t jeopardize the user’s safety, and provides everything a brewing project needs to get funded, develop, get supporters, and more!
Thanks to Initial Decentralized Exchange Offerings (IDOs), crowdfunding is streamlined, secured, and made better with tons of perks that you wouldn’t see from previous crowdfunding mechanisms! The best thing about this is that out of all previous crowdfunding models, the IDO adapts blockchain’s decentralized model the most, so it poses multiple benefits and the ever-necessary scalable feature that lets it stand the tests of time!
So how about we discuss the ins-and-outs of most IDO launchpads, and from there, talk about one of the fastest growing and most trusted IDO platforms in the market today—AdLunam Inc.
IDO Platforms: Crowdfunding Reimagined
In the realm of Initial DEX Offerings, Crowdfunding is just the tip of the feature iceberg. With two massive IDO-exclusive features that offer the best benefits a project would need for its marketing and PR-related issues, the success of a project is significantly increased thanks to Marketing and PR features that are exclusive to IDO launchpads!
Without further ado, let’s glide over the three key features an IDO platform offers to projects that launch in its care!
● IDO Crowdfunding
The heart and soul of an Initial DEX Offering (IDO). IDOs introduce a unique way of funding projects they see fit while securing the funds of a cryptocurrency investor to its best abilities. Through safekeeping of a project’s funds in a decentralized exchange instead of a hot wallet or a centralized exchange, funds are preserved until due time, users are able to use their proprietary utility tokens to hold/trade while the project is incubating, and they get massive perks through the IDO platform’s features ranging from staking, to yield farming!
● IDO Marketing
In previous crowdfunding iterations, supporters are gathered through hype or through promise. Soon enough investors knew the hard way how these two things fail in delivering what they need the most, which is product.
With IDOs, they do not need to build hype or make waves over the industry by making promises they would fail to keep, they instead focus on creating credibility and authority within the space by creating a community of well-meaning and dedicated supporters behind it!
This bodes well for projects who need strong and well-built communities of people who support the project beyond profit, as it urges investors from across the cryptocurrency space to take the lead and support a project they love in every way they can!
If IDO Marketing focuses on creating a community of well-meaning and dedicated supporters from across the cryptocurrency space, IDO Public Relations lay out a comprehensive plan for IDO-launched projects to retain their desirable public image and spread the word about the project itself!
They do this by simply magnifying the real impact of an IDO-launched project to the public and selling its benefits to potential users. This creates no false promises, and sets the user’s expectations to whatever the project is laying to the table! This also opens massive doors of opportunities for IDOs to gather more members to its community, since we all know an IDO is just as great as the community that is behind it! These three key-features are what sets the IDO-launchpad model apart from the rest of the competition. With these utilities the success of a project is significantly increased with no compromise on the quality of the project, and it sets the stage for enterprises to bring out more from their creations!
It wouldn’t be bizarre to think that IDOs are futuristic and innovative in and of itself, but this launch mechanism can be made even better! Thanks to projects like AdLunam Inc. that streamlines the crowdfunding process, as well as the marketing and the PR sectors to bring the best out of every project within their platform!
What Does AdLunam Do Differently?
AdLunam Inc. is not your run-of-the-mill IDO launchpad that provides the same benefits as your regular IDO platform. In AdLunam the investor is given the best treatment, while the project gets all the help it needs in order to flourish. Thanks to its Engage-to-Earn Token model, powered by its Proof-of-Attention model, the engagement of an investor/supporter is kept at a maximum, which provides projects their much-needed exposure and community buildup!
But now you might be asking, what does this Engage-to-Earn Token model and Proof-of-Attention model do?
With that in mind, let’s explore what these two amazing features do, and why they are so unique that you wouldn’t see these in any other IDO platform across the cryptocurrency space!
● Engage-to-Earn Token Model
Ever wanted to get paid for interacting with your favorite projects? With AdLunam Inc.’s Engage-to-Earn Token Model, you can do that with ease! Incentivising every positive and relevant interaction that a supporter creates with a specific project, this gives every investor the motivation they need to amp up their banner-wagging which helps the project that they love to get all the internet traction it needs to reach wider audiences as it continues to develop!
The Engage-to-Earn Model, while not something unique to projects in the cryptocurrency industry, is certainly a first in the IDO platform space. The inclusion of this feature secures the success of a project by keeping all of its community members paid and interactive, something that most starting projects need to get that initial push!
● Proof-of-Attention
The Engage-to-Earn Model will not be possible if not for the Proof-of-Attention protocol that AdLunam implemented within its platform! Thanks to Proof-of-Attention, every user’s interaction within the AdLunam Inc’s platform is recorded and sifted through, meriting every positive and productive interaction that a user makes!
The Proof-of-Attention model, just like Engage-to-Earn, is not a first in the cryptocurrency world, as many projects in the past implemented this within their paradigms but failed miserably to uphold its key principles. This, however, is a first in the IDO platform industry, which is absolutely necessary if an IDO wants to succeed, especially since the space is becoming more and more relentless by the day.
● Hands-on Advisory Services
An exclusive feature that AdLunam Inc. provides to projects and enterprises that are under its wings, Hands-on Advisory services enable projects to gain constructive and important insights from the best in the industry, providing indispensable marketing, tokenomics, and technical mentorship to ensure a project’s success just as it is being made!
This interactive approach to helping every project be its best is something that is not particularly seen in IDO platforms besides Adlunam Inc. which makes it stand out among the rising number of IDO launchpads in the industry!
● NFT Profiles
Much like what Binance does with its NFT Profile Pictures, every AdLunam Inc. investor is entitled to an NFT profile that carries all the information that is tied to them, including their disclosed verifiable information, and more.
What’s even greater than this is the fact that unlike Binance Profile Pictures which are technically NFTs but hold no true value, AdLunam Profile NFTs entitle every investor to exclusive perks and benefits that only AdLunam users are able to avail! We’re talking about thousands of dollars in Airdrops, Token Allocation, Community Rewards and Bonuses, as well as insider information on the latest and most anticipated IDO projects to date!
All of this contributes to a well-defined and comprehensive platform that incentivizes the user’s active participation with the project, with no compromise!
Key Takeaways
With the paradigm shift in the crowdfunding world going in the favor of IDO platforms, it would be tempting to try and test this new-age of exposure and funding mechanism. Learn however which platforms suit your project’s visions the most, and what they can do to make it better.
For projects that require much attention from the public and an exposure to major cryptocurrency echo chambers within the industry, AdLunam Inc. remains to be one of the most-suited IDO launchpads for projects to try out and invest in. With the propensity to bring out the best in your project in all the ways that it matters, AdLunam Inc. is your best friend for everything IDO!