How To Improve On-Page SEO for Your Small Business

Looking for ways to improve your on-page SEO for your small business?
There are many elements that go into your site’s ranking, so what is the best formula?
Although there is no precise formula to increase your site ranking, Google tells us some influential factors to get to the top of the search results page.
Here we’ll dive into some tips that you can use right away to boost your dental on-page SEO.
What is SEO?
First, let’s discuss what SEO is.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the process of enhancing the quality and amount of traffic to your website from a search engine.
How it works is a user type into Google’s search engine bar. Google will then use its site crawlers to sort through and find the most relevant webpage. In just a matter of seconds, Google will then take the user to a search engine results page (SERP) that will list all of Google’s relevant findings for the user’s search query.
Therefore, having your webpage optimized to what Google is looking for will help your site gain more relevant traffic.

SEO vs. Google Ads
SEO and Google Ads are not the same, but they go hand-in-hand.
Google Ads are advertisements that display on a search engine results page for a user’s search query.
These advertisements will be on the top of the search results list. Google Ads are distinguished by the word “Ad” in bold at the top left corner of the advertisement.
Google Ads complement an SEO strategy well because it helps increase brand awareness and site traffic.
For more information on how to run Google Ads for your dentistry business, check this guide out.

Benefits of SEO
SEO is a great strategy to bring in more organic site traffic and clicks.
An advantage to using search engine optimization strategies is that you can better measure and improve your traffic. Over time, you will see that your site traffic has more users interested in booking appointments at your dental clinic.
Another benefit is that you can better picture how your competitors are performing and identify how they rank compared to you. To do this, great tools such as Ubersuggest provide an analysis of your’s and your competitors’ sites.
Building up your site ranking takes a little time. So, don’t be discouraged if your site does not gain exponential growth in just a month. Keep working on it!

What is Keyword Ranking?
Why is keyword ranking essential to search engine optimization?
To start with, keywords are the search queries that people type into Google’s search bar.
The searcher’s intent in using a search engine is to find a solution to their question. As discussed earlier, Google offers a list of potential solutions in just seconds.
Because many sites use the exact keywords, Google has a keyword ranking to show only the most relevant and valuable information to the user.
Therefore, it is vital to choose the right keywords so that your site has a better chance of ranking higher on the search results page.
You can use Semrush or Soovle to brainstorm and view metrics of potential keywords before implementing them into your SEO strategy.

Where to Put Your Keywords
Next, we will discuss where to put your keywords.
Keywords are used for on-page search engine optimization. An alternate name for this is on-site SEO.
It is crucial to optimize your keyword placement within your dentist webpage. Doing so will help both Google and users better identify the relevancy of your site. Then, you can increase your chances of obtaining a higher ranking on the search results page.
Some of the prominent locations to implement them are within your:
- Title
- Content
- Image
Incorporating your keywords into your title and headings is a great place to start.
Placing keywords in these places will help Google and users identify the main idea of your content. From there, they can determine whether or not your dental site provides the answer or value that the user’s search query asks for.
Remember, Google uses site crawlers to quickly sift through millions of websites for the user’s search query solution.
So, having your keywords within your title and headings will help Google understand your content, which will increase the likelihood of displaying your webpage at the top of the search results page.
Additionally, you should create a title that is eye-catching but not exaggerated. Again, putting yourself in the perspective of the user can help dictate the difference. Just think, given x title, would you click on this site?
For instance, your keyword is dental braces, then your title for your blog could be:
Benefits of Getting Dental Braces
Also, when writing blogs for your dentistry, website building platforms such as WordPress will use “Heading 1” as your title.

An important area to place your keywords in is within the content for your dental site.
You should only be writing content on keywords that people are searching for, called searcher intent. There is no point in providing information that not a lot of people are looking for.
Therefore, it is vital to identify searcher intent before implementing any keywords for your dental campaign. A few standard approaches are:
- Type your keyword ideas into the Google search bar and see what kind of content shows up.
- On the search engine results page, you can look at Google’s autosuggestions to see what other keywords people commonly search for.
- Asking people around you can help generate keyword and content ideas. Getting into the perspective of what prospective customers would search for will be crucial for a successful dental SEO.

Within your content, it will be crucial to incorporate headings to signify your blog’s main ideas.
Remember, Google uses site crawlers to view your content, so having a blog structured by headings will help them quickly understand what your site is about.
Having a structured blog will also help users quickly find the information that they are looking for from your content. In addition, clear information can be an influential factor when it comes to clients booking appointments.
Additionally, be sure to incorporate your keywords within your content. For example, it is essential to have keywords in paragraphs because it is clear that you are talking about the words or phrases that the user is searching for.
Side note: On keyword research tools, you can view the number of times a keyword is used within a site’s page. Or, you can also use Control+F to see how many times a page used certain words or phrases.

Within your images, you should include your keywords within the alternative text tags.
It is essential to utilize this feature on your website because it helps with search engine optimization.
In your alt text tag, you want to include your keywords and what the image is showing. For instance, let’s say your keyword is dental braces. So, for this picture below, you can say “dental braces retainers” for the alt text tag.

An essential factor to take into consideration is the image file size. If the image is too large, then it can affect your dental site’s loading time.
Including your keywords within your URL is another important location.
Two main factors to consider when creating a URL for your webpage are to be: short and incorporate your targeted keywords.
Through this, users can easily reference back to your website. People can also know that clicking on your site link will lead them to the correct landing page with the information they are looking for.
An example could be, for the keyword dental braces and the title is “Benefits to Getting Dental Braces,” then your URL can look like this:

Other Important Factors
Another critical factor to implement is to pay attention to the customer experience that your site provides.
Customer Experience
It is important to offer users a great customer experience on your site. The main factors include user-friendliness, load time, and relevancy.
User-friendliness is an essential element of a great site experience. If a site is too difficult to navigate, then chances are users will feel less motivated to stay on your site.
Load time is another factor that influences a user’s decision to stay on your webpage. If the time it takes to load your site is too long, users will go back to the search results page. The user’s time spent on your site also influences your site ranking as well. Therefore, this will be important to consider for your orthodontist SEO.
Your landing page that you direct users to must answer the user’s question. If your content is not relevant and does not answer anyone’s question, your site will rank lower.

Overall, you can improve on-page SEO for your dental clinic by incorporating these essential factors into your webpage. A key success factor in SEO strategy is researching what people are looking for and then choosing the right keywords for better optimization.