Common Vue.js Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Vue.js is a JS framework that has become a well-known platform in the domain of front-end development because of its strong ecosystem, flexibility, and simplicity. As Vue.js is easy to learn, especially for beginner developers, there are high chances of them making some common Vue.js mistakes that can lead to bugs, inefficient code, and various maintenance challenges.
In this piece of information, we will see some common mistakes that an experienced Vue.js development company or service provider should avoid to develop a robust project. Taking care and solving such mistakes can help you write a cleaner and easier-to-read Vue.js code.
So, let’s dive in and learn more about the same.
What is Vue.js?
If you aren’t familiar with the Vue framework, it is primarily a framework used for designing user interfaces. Certain factors differentiate it from other JS frameworks. One such factor is that Vue.js is designed by keeping gradual adaptability in mind.
Even the primary library focuses on the main view layer, but it’s easily integrated with different libraries.
Moreover, the Vue.js framework is strong enough to manage the SPAs – Single Page Apps when you add it with the latest VueJS development libraries. Let’s see what are the benefits and cons of the Vue.js framework. We are hoping that this will give a better idea of why to choose Vue.js and some potential risks to keep in mind while working with Vue.js.
Pros and Cons of Vue.js
- js provides accurate readability
- To-the-point documentation
- Provides easy reactivity
- Flexible and scalable apps can be developed using Vue.js
- Smaller community
- If Vue.js best practices aren’t followed, developers cannot leverage Vue.js completely
Additionally, in this article, you will see some basic mistakes that developers make while using Vue.js framework. So, if you are making one such mistake, take measures to avoid it or rectify it. Let’s see some common Vue.js mistakes and how to avoid them.
Common Vue.js Mistakes That Should Be Avoided
Here’s the list of some common mistakes that Vue.js developers make that should be avoided and corrected (if made!)
Keep the reactivity property
If you are using ReactJS, you know what is reactivity and how it depends on the setState function for updating the value of different properties.
Reactivity with Vue.js is a little bit different. It’s dependent on proxying with the component property. With setter and getter functions overridden, it will notify updates with the virtual DOM.
var vm = new Vue({
el: ‘#vm’,
template: `<div>{{ item.count }}<input type=”button” value=”Click” @click=”updateCount”/></div>`,
data: {
item: {}
beforeMount () {
this.$data.item.count = 0;
methods: {
updateCount () {
// JavaScript object is updated but
//The component template is not rendered again
In the above-mentioned code, the Vue instance has its properties called ‘item’. This property has one empty object (literal).
During the phase of component initialization, Vue.js makes a proxy under the set and gets functions that are attached to the item property. Hence, this framework watches the value updated and reacts eventually.
However, the count property is not reactive, as it wasn’t declared at the time of initialization.
However, proxying occurs only at the time of component initialization, and thebeforeMount function triggers afterward.
Other than that, the item setter is not called while count definition. So, here, ther proxy won’t trigger and the count will have no watch.
beforeMount () {
// #1: Calling parent setter
// item setter is called so proxifying is propagated
this.$data.item = {
count: 0
// OR #2: ask for watching explicitly
// item.count got its getter and setter proxyfied
this.$set(this.$data.item, ‘count’, 0);
// “Short-hand” for:
Vue.set(this.$data.item, ‘count’, 0);
If you place the item.count in beforeMount, calling Vue.set later will not create the watch.
The best solution for avoding Vue.js development mistakes is to hire a reliable Vue.js development company.
Using Template Compiler
When developers try to import the Vue.js framework, some inline templates of your components return empty pages even when you follow the guide or steps of importing given in the official resources.
While defining templates as one file component or using the render function, the above-mentioned issue will not occur. It may be because of the different builds that are present in the Vue.js framework. The primary build that is exported using the NPM package is generally the runtime build only, and it doesn’t have a template compiler.
If you’re familiar with JSX used in ReactJS, the learning curve of using a template compiler will be very easy, because these compilers work the same way for Vue.js like JSX for React.
It only replaces the template strings with calling functions to make a virtual DOM node. A particular reason why this error doesn’t occur in a single file component is that it has SFCs and vueify tools.
These tools can create a plain JS component by leveraging a rendering function for defining a template. To avoid such issues, all you have to do is- specify the accurate build while importing. Another solution can be done by creating one alias for Vue.js inside your bundler configuration.
Export of Single File Components
Even though there’s nothing wrong in using Vue.js files, it can make things much more complex. The easy method would be using a single file component because it helps to collect all CSS, JS, and HTML code in one file.
Having single file components, the code usually is present in the <script> tag in the Vue file. Although the code is written in JS, you still have to export different components.
There are multiple ways to export components. The majority of the users prefer the following three ways for exporting components:
- Direct export
- Named export
- Default export
In the named export alternative, you won’t get the feature of renaming the components. It means that it’s prone to the tree shaking.
Other than that, in the named export, there’s no compatibility with components of a single file. So, keep things ensured that you are leveragin the default method of export rather than named export. Use this method when it’s necessary to use.
Using jQuery + Vue.js together
If you use the Vue.js framework in conjunction with other Document Object Model manipulating toolkits like jQuery, you’ll have to use it separately. Developers can either use jQuery to update a DOM widget or utilize Vue, but using both together isn’t a good idea.
Using a wrapper component will act like a link between Vue.js, internal DOM elements, and components. It helps Vue.js to interact easily with the components and the components will have to be used to change the internal DOM elements using jQuery.
Overusing Watchers
Vue watchers are powerful. However, overusing them can lead to a hard to debug and hard-to-maintain code.
So, whenever feasible, you should prefer to use computed properties for properties of derived data.
// Incorrect way of utilizing a watcher for computed data
watch: {
filtered items(newVal) {
computed: {
filteredItems() {
return this.items.filter(item =>;
// Correct way of using a computed property directly
computed: {
filteredItems() {
return this.items.filter(item =>;
When Errors aren’t handled properly, creates chaos
When you fail to handle the errors accurately, it can result in providing a poor UI/UX of the app. So, always try to implement proper error handling of async operations like API requests. An experienced organization providing strong Vue.js development services have minimum chances to create such errors.
Failed Chances of Performance Optimization
Vue.js framework is popular for its performance, but when performance optimization is neglected in your Vue.js app, it can lead to a sluggish user experience. You can use features like code splitting, lazy-loading, & memoization to improve your application performance.
Props are directly modified
Vue.js props are just meant to have a one-way data flow, and updating them directly in a child component may lead to the unexpected behavior of the app. So, make one local copy of that prop if it is necessary to make changes in it, and make changes in that copy.
// Incorrect way
props: [‘data’],
mounted() {‘new item’); // Modifying a prop directly.
// Correct way
props: [‘data’],
data() {
return {
localData: […], // Create a local copy.
mounted() {
this.localData.push(‘new item’); // Modify the local copy.
Declaring Additional Options
There are certain properties in the Options API method that aren’t supported by the script setup:
- inheritAttrs
- name
- Customized options required by libraries or plugins
The primary solution for this is to have two scripts different from each other in a similar component as described in the script setup RFC.
export default {
name: ‘CustomName’,
inheritAttrs: false,
customOptions: {}
<script setup>
//Write script setup logic
Make use of unnecessary wrappers in templates
In the Vue 2 platform, a single root element is required for the component template. Because of this, sometimes unnecessary wrappers are introduced.
<!– Layout.vue –>
However, this is not the situation anymore, because multiple root elements are supported in this framework now.
<!– Layout.vue –>
<main v-bind=”$attrs”>…</main>
Showing promise through Vuex Actions
As the Vuex actions are asynchronous, the only way to call a function is to know if the action is completed or not. It will return a promise and solve it later. An HTTP call is made and is resolved. This process is followed by rejecting the promises one by one later.
Updating the Parent data from the Child component
In the Vue.js framework, parents will pass the data down to their child component by using the props and the child component responds or can send a message by leveraging events. This relation can be called event up and props down.
Here’s an example of the code snippet showing how to pass the props to a child element:
<input v-model=”parentMsg”>
<child v-bind:my-message=”parentMsg”></child>
Not Using the Key Attribute in v-for
While rendering the lists with v-for, you can include a specific key attribute for helping the Vue efficiently re-render and update elements when the following data changes occur:
<! — Incorrect →
<li v-for=”item in items”>{{ item }}</li>
<! — Correct →
<li v-for=”item in items” :key=””>{{ }}</li>
Final Verdict
With the shortest code not always the fast and easy ways can quickly have cons. Each programming language, project, or framework needs patience and a timeline to use it accurately. The same thing applies to Vue.js. Write the code carefully & with patience.