The 10 Best Web App Ideas For Startups To Make Money

As you may have already heard, there’s a lot of money to be made in the world of web applications and online businesses. Think about all the hugely successful sites that you visit every day such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn, which are just some of the reasons why web apps and online startups are becoming increasingly popular with entrepreneurs, small business owners and investors around the world.

There are lots of ideas out there for entrepreneurs who want to start making money online. But with the myriad of platforms and the abundance of opportunities, it can be hard to know where to start—especially if you’re new to the game. This list of 10 Web App Ideas For Startups To Make Money will give you an idea of some great starting points so you can begin to build your very own Web Applications startup that can turn into a profitable business venture!


#1 – CEO Dashboard

In today’s business world, a lot of attention is given to social media. But it’s easy to forget that at its core, social media is still just a channel for communication. CEO Dashboard helps you capture every interaction – whether positive or negative – and report on key performance indicators across multiple channels in one easy-to-use dashboard.

CEO Dashboard lets you track all of your marketing touchpoints—from email to webinars—and gives you deep analytics about how your customers are interacting with them. You can also set up automatic reports so that important information comes directly to you via email; think quarterly updates from each department or sales reports from every regional office. CEO Dashboard is an effective tool that helps entrepreneurs manage their business operations more smoothly.

Also, CEO dashboards give you an overview of everything that’s going on in your business at a glance. What better way to stay updated than with one easy dashboard? With a CEO dashboard, you can track sales, expenses, profits and more. It’s a great way to keep tabs on what everyone is doing and how they’re doing it.


#2 – Membership Subscription Sites

If you’re selling a service, then having clients pay for it on a monthly basis can be ideal for retaining regular customers. This business model isn’t right for every product or service, but if you’re looking to start an online business—especially one in which customers will likely require ongoing interaction and support—subscription services are something to consider.

By not charging up front, memberships make your payment model more flexible and also give people a chance to try out your products at no risk. It’s also important to note that there are numerous ways to monetize membership sites beyond just subscriptions, such as offering premium content or using ads that convert visitors into subscribers.


#3 – Employee Orientation Web Software

Whether you’re a one-person business or a 500-person organization, all businesses will benefit from an employee orientation program. Employee orientation is an indispensable procedure for every business that wants to avoid problems and have happy employees who perform well. In fact, your company can implement an effective employee orientation program even if you have only one person in your business.


#4 – Docket Management Web App

As society becomes more and more mobile, people are relying less on physical documents and more on online contracts. By creating a web app that manages these documents, you can help lawyers and corporations to save time by having all of their contracts filed into one place. Getting these documents online also makes them much easier to share with others, which is particularly helpful for cross-state or international transactions.

An added bonus: by making it easy for other businesses to find legal document web apps, you’ll be able to attract new clients who need what you’re selling—so it’s an idea worth pursuing regardless of whether you need startup capital yourself.


#5 – Crime Alert Web App

Many small businesses employ a store detective to be on-site and patrol. However, there’s a new way for them to utilize technology for security: web applications that monitor and detect crime. These web apps will not only provide alerts, but also video footage of any criminal activity. That makes it easy for business owners to view what has happened and more importantly, by who it has happened. This is just one of many web app ideas that can help businesses start their own revenue generating idea from home at their convenience!


#6 – Invoicing Web App

Great Web App Ideas for startups should always start with understanding a problem. Invoicing is one of those problems that many small businesses face and can cost them a lot of money. First, to issue an invoice you have to buy some software or go through some third party that charges monthly fees and will provide limited functionality.

Second, receiving payments is another complex process involving numerous gateway services with transaction fees, exchange rates, etc. The bottom line is that every step in an invoicing system is too cumbersome and time-consuming which leads to inefficient processes, errors and most importantly it costs companies more than they should.


#7 – A Social Platform for Hobbyists

Social platforms are valuable tools in our lives. They help us keep up with friends, family, coworkers and more. However, social platforms have been dominated by gamers and celebrities with millions of followers. An application that helps promote lesser-known individuals is a great web app idea for startups and businesses looking to make money.


#8 – Deal and Coupon Website

You probably have used deal sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, and Gilt City to save money. Now you can create your own deal website. This is one of my favorite startup ideas for beginners because creating a deal site is relatively simple and doesn’t take much time or money to get started. Plus, it’s a great side business idea for college students!


#9 – Book Review Web App

Finding and reviewing books can be a hassle. There are so many different places to look that it’s hard to know what you should read next. We could use a single web app where people could add their favorite books, provide a rating, a review, tags and then allow users to search based on all of these parameters as well as via location (where they live) or via a want-to-read list. The site could also have links to book purchasing on Amazon and other sites so users could buy directly from within the app—driving more traffic back to these sites (and making some money for us).


#10 – Professional Service Providing Web App

If you want to make money and you’re good at something, then find a way to put those two things together. For example, if you’re good at writing articles or music, create an info product around it and sell it.

You could also do your service for free (just be sure to use content marketing to get people excited about what you can offer). If people are interested in your topic and they like what they see when they look into your website – chances are that if you have an expert-level website, then they will pay for high quality information. One idea is to create a tool that helps aspiring entrepreneurs launch their own business.



Choosing between web application ideas can be tricky. While some choices have advantages over others, there’s no right or wrong answer. You might be a bit overwhelmed by all of your options, but just remember: it’s not just about getting an idea; it’s about picking one that has potential and also fits your skill set.

Take your time to evaluate which applications you think are most viable based on industry trends and current opportunities. Get feedback from other people in your network and start building! If you need help with website development ideas or building out a full web app solution, hire web developers in India for more information about our website development services.

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Sanju April 20, 2022 0 Comments