The Top Ten Advantages of Using the Angular Framework in Your Project

What is angularJS framework?

It is an open-source framework that maintains through Google. It is a part of the JavaScript ecosystem for developing desktop and mobile app versions. It is a kind of Java superset. It practices the topics of the optional and the principal functionality, which is a perfect collection of the TypeScript libraries and even the resources they may support to import the apps. The architecture even relies on the essential Angular concepts.

In the angular programming language, there are elementary blocks, NgModules, which will deliver a compilation environment of the components. These are the modules that will gather code in the available set. It is an application that will always contain the root module that will empower the bootstrapping and even the classy, which has more modules of the feature and implementations modules.


Features of AngularJS framework

A developer will have the optimum use in a perfect modern platform that will render dynamic applications with high-quality performances and a zero-step installation approach. The software engineers will make desktop-dependent AngularJS apps for Linux and Windows with the help of OS APIs. It generates UI with the simple syntax of the authoritative template. The Angular CLI will start swiftly, add components and the tests, and even deploy the same.


Here are the top 10 benefits of angular framework of the project:


1. Automatic Synchronization with two-way data linking 

The linking of two-way allows the data to become synchronized between the View and Model. When the data is corrected and changed, two aspects need constant updates. It occurs on a real-time basis, which saves the developer time and even the effort spent on the manual modifications.

Data binding and linking is a perfect approach to establishing links between the business logic and the user interface. When you make a perfect modification to the model, the appearance will automatically become refreshed. It is perfect for the developers who will work o firms that make real-time changes. It is because data binding is two-way, and the app will respond fast to changes in the browser and the UI. As a result, it is a characteristic that implies a fast response time and brings more natural growth.


2. Server communication in an optimized manner

Caching is simple that uses Angular, minimizes the extra stress on the CPUs, and creates static files. Plus, the framework will respond quickly to API calls. There are pages in the model of the document object that will generate the user action in the Angular application. It delivers a perfect user experience quickly that will eliminate the clients’ need so one can wait for the app to get the complete integration.


3. Use POJO Model to exclude external dependencies.

POJO Framework, i.e., Plain Old JavaScript Objects, is the one that the Angular framework implements to keep the code structure flexible and accessible. It never allows us to add complex functions or even the perfect procedures of the applications. It even removes all the complex functions and procedures of the applications. It even removes the 3rd-party plugin and framework requirement. POJO needs less code, and Angular apps will load quickly to provide excellent user and availability. Even the paradigm permit will keep the script clean and result in a goal-oriented framework.


4. Angular testing is an important aspect.

AngularJS conducts testing as the main component of AngularJS Development Services. The JavaScript code in Angular will submit as a test series because it is perfect for testing and one needs to start from scratch to test all the aspects simultaneously. With the help of Angular dependency injection, it manages all the contexts and the controllers. The Angular functionality of the unit test will force the dependency injection and even inject dummy and mock data into the perfect controller during the testing time.


5. Modern Angular interface

The guidelines of Google Material Design will comply with Angular Materials, including navigation components, indicators, layout, and data tables that already have the best setup. It is a framework that will provide the best user experience and offer the most reliable benefits in the Angular form. With the modern interface, one will get the maximum benefit to operate and make it a perfect use; hence, you will get the best impact to operate the framework better.


6. Single-page and angular applications

The single-page application has efficient functioning based on the two aspects. One comes when there is a page loading, and it even obtains the need for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS codes simultaneously. The second feature will retrieve when there is a perfect applicable option based on user activities and behavior. There will be no refresh of the page while the users browse the app, and it needs dynamic connectivity with the servers. Angular can handle the complexity with perfect ease, and if the concept revolves in and around the innovative single-page application, then Angular becomes the perfect choice.


7. Robust Ecosystem and code integrity

The CLI tool Angular will enable the developers to create a simple project, run tests and even add new features to a perfect specific project while one maintains the entire team and the update. The style guide of Angular will become regular praise of the developers. It improves team communication and even reduces the miscommunication possibility with the framework of the broad ecosystem in which one supplies to the developer community and the dependency injection capability with other assets.


8. MMVC Architecture with unifying Independent Components 

Angular prefers to use the MVC structure that developers love to use. It helps in the establishment of communication in distant services. Now, JSON strings will return as the responses. One can build the services where you will get complete control over the analysis of data and even the URL routing. The architectural and business logic will remain distinct and include many benefits. The framework will isolate the business logic from the UI components. The developers have the assurance to create a clean user interface, and there is perfect streamlined logic. The controller starts the communication fast in the view and model part. As a result, data display will be quick.


9. Improve productivity

Excellent code seeking with debugging in Ivy renderer and a pleasant app experience. It even improves the perfect accessibility and provides a positive example of reducing the file size to keep the framework a perfect feature-rich platform. It is not in the final form when there is an announcement at the NG-CONF 2018, but there is Angular 8 that gives the best and perfect one for you. After the release of Angular 9, there will be a complete revelation of the Angular platform.


10. Active community with free data

The angular framework is popular among all the developers, and even engineers love them because of its different benefits. If an individual wants to get more of Angular, there will be incredible resources to study materials, FAQs, reference articles, and many more. It will make life simple for the developers so they can feel the best use of the framework in a better way.


Hire the service provider

After knowing all the ten benefits of this framework, it is time to understand that you can hire a developer from AngularJS Development Company and build the application in this framework. A talented developer team knows the framework’s requirements, which will give you a better direction to understand what you need, and you can get the best benefit from the framework. It will solve your need to use the framework to establish your online business and make it a mark in the online world.



Angular emerges as the accessible right item, including the innumerable characteristics which will assist the developers in accomplishing the best in web and mobile angular application development. You can easily access the information that will enhance the information for better with simple testing and ease of maintaining Angular infrastructure. On the other hand, it is massive with the readily available attributes that will make the project expansion straightforward and offers a strong match to scale up the enterprise apps.

For developers, it is the perfect framework to build the application for the next generation to accept the technology and mainly offer functional advantages. There is always an establishment of Angular advantages to perform the market leader in the angular web app and even develop a framework with preferred choice for many enterprises. One can hire an Angular developer for the well-known work.

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Prashant Pujara October 7, 2022 0 Comments

Angular Current Version: Angular 13

Angular is one of the most popular open-source frameworks written in TypeScript. The developers use it to create single-page client apps. This Google product comes with new releases after some specific period and the latest release is Angular v13. It is one of the most organized and pre-planned upgrades by the Angular team. Angular has been a widely adopted and popular typescript-style web framework. Google has released almost eight different beta versions of Angular by September 24, 2021.


In this blog, we are going to have a look at the top features that this latest version of Angular, v13 has to offer.


Top Features Angular 13

Some of the major features of Angular v13 are –


1. Support for TypeScript 4.4

The new version of Angular v13 supports TypeScript 4.4. This means that from now onwards the developer can use many fantastic language features. Besides this, the new version has stopped supporting TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3. In addition to this, one of the biggest advantages that TypeScript 4.4 has to offer Angular apps is that it doesn’t have to implement setters and getters when it wants to get a similar type.


2. Enhancements to Angular Tests

With earlier versions of Angular coming into the market, its team has made some remarkable changes to TestBed. TestBed now works perfectly fine when it comes to tearing down test environments and test modules after each test is performed. The DOM in Angular now experiences cleaning after tests which means that the Angular developers can now anticipate more optimized, less memory-intensive, less interdependent, and quicker tests.


3. 100% Ivy and No More Support for View Engine

Angular 13 has stopped supporting the View Engine and it means that the new version of Angular is now 100% Ivy. So, there is no older output formats approach or no View Engine-specific metadata concept in Angular and this helps in eliminating codebase complicacy and also reduces the maintenance costs. Basically, all the internal tools of this framework have been converted to Ivy in advance and this has helped in making the functions of this framework seamless.

Ivy helps in assembling every component of the project and this accelerates development times. Because of all these things that Ivy has to offer, the need for ngcc (Angular compatibility compiler) has been eliminated. Now, the web app development team can expect quicker compilation as the need for summary files and metadata has been removed.


4. Update Dynamic Components APIs

When the developer has to create dynamic components, Angular 13 has proved itself to be a much faster version of this framework. This means that with Angular 13, creating dynamic components requires less coding than other older versions of Angular. The latest version has come with the stable API that is very simplified and has the capability to reduce the codes like ComponentFactoryResolver.


5. Angular CLI enhancements

When it comes to creating applications, the most important thing for any Angular team is the Angular CLI. With the help of Angular CLI, the developers can easily handle the complicity of the modern web development ecosystem and also safeguards them. Angular v13 by default supports a persistent build-cache, that caches build results on disk. This helps in enhancing app development speed by 68% so the amount of performance improvements is huge with Angular v13.


6. Changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)

The Angular Package Format (APF) is a concept that specifies the structure and format of the Angular Framework packages. This is the best approach for packaging every third-party library in the world of web development. With Angular 13, a new version of APF has come into the market and it has come with some changes which are –

  • New Angular packages produce ES2020 output.
  • It develops Ivy partial compilation output.
  • It uses the package exports from Node.js to display various outputs at the beginning.
  • No need for the production of UMD bundles with the latest version of APF.


7. No Longer Support for Internet Explorer 11

Angular 13 is now no longer supported for Internet Explorer 11 and this is to enable the developers to take advantage of modern browser default features like web animations, CSS variables and native web APIs. These new features of Angular 13 enable the Angular team to quickly load the app and enhance the user experience. This is a notable change for some authorities that were still running Internet Explorer 11 and hadn’t yet moved to Microsoft Edge.


8. Accessibility Update in Angular Material

The latest version of Angular has come up with an enhancement of Accessibility (A11y) in Angular Material. The Angular team has checked and assessed all MDCs (Material Design Components) which are helpful for improving accessibility. For example, in the new version of Angular, checkboxes and radio buttons have larger touch sizes, and some other elements have come with higher contrast modes. Basically, Angular material components have improved with the emergence of Angular 13.


9. New Type of Forms

Apps created using Angular have different types of forms in them. The new version of Angular has come with some latest types of forms that can help in making the apps better. One such type of form is FormControlStatus. It gathers all status strings for form controls.


10. Inline Support for Adobe Fonts

One of the new features that Angular 13 offers is inline support for Adobe fonts. The Adobe fonts help in boosting the app’s functionality by escalating the First Contentful Paint (FCP). This new change is by default accessible to all the Angular developers. All they need to do is ng update.


11. Improvements in Localization

When it comes to Angular, localize is known as a consistent API. Web app developers can use it to produce an effective way to tag messages for translation and in-built internationalization (i18n) in templates and code.


12. Documentation Improvements

Angular 13 has come with improvements in its documentation. The latest version’s docs and resources are simpler and easy to understand. This means that any beginner can also go through Angular 13 documentation and learn about this framework’s new features.


How to Update Previous Versions to Angular 13v?

If you want to update your previous version to Angular version 13, all you need to do is download Angular 12. Then, update to the latest v13 by following the detailed guidelines offered by the Angular community on this –


Wrapping up

Angular tries to launch its latest versions every six months. So whoever is still using Angular 12, needs to shift to Angular 13 and take advantage of its features before it gets replaced by another version. Angular 13 has come with Ivy for everywhere use and has removed the View Engine altogether. Besides, it offers some impressive features like better inline support for adobe fonts, CLI improvements, localized docs, and simplified API.

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Sanju July 4, 2022 0 Comments

Angular HTTP Interceptors


As the name indicates, interceptors in Angular are a simple procedure delivered by the framework to intercept and modify the application’s HTTP requests globally before they are sent to the server. That comes in handy, allowing us to configure authentication tokens, add logs of the requests, add custom headers that our application may need, and much more. Being among the significant Angular features, interceptors seamlessly simplify the App requests at ease.What are HTTP interceptors?

What are HTTP interceptors?

  • Interceptors can represent a variety of implicit tasks, from authentication to logging, in a procedure, standard way, for every HTTP request/response.
  • Without interception, developers would have to apply these tasks precisely for each HttpClient method call.

Usage of HTTP interceptors

  • HTTP interceptors are used for attaching custom logic for authentication, authorization, session/state management, logging, modifying Response, Error handling, caching, inserting a custom header, timestamp in the request/response, encrypt and decrypt the request and response information or operate the request and response data above the request cycles.

Implementing interceptors

  • To implement an interceptor, you need to create a class that implements the intercept method of the HTTP Interceptor interface.
  • So let’s suppose you want to log in to the console for every single HTTP request made by the application.
  • Below, I have created a simple interceptor that would achieve the following.
  • The intercept method converts each request into observables, which later are going to be set by calling next. handle().
  • So, for our implementation it is totally easy:

– You take the request,

– log its URL

– call next.handle()

– and send it to the server without making any changes to it.

  • The next object represents the next interceptor in the interceptor chain since you can have multiple interceptors in your application.
  • Then the final next in the chain is the HttpClient backend handler, which sends the request to the server.

Providing the interceptor

  • Since interceptors are dependencies of the HttpClient, you must add them to providers in the same injector (or parent) that provides Httpclient.
  • For instance, suppose you have your HttpClientModule imported in the app.module.ts, you must add the interceptors to the providers there as well.
  • The multi: true option gave tells angular that you are applying multiple interceptors and is needed if that is the scenario.
  • It wouldn’t be necessary in our example scenario, since we’ve only implemented one interceptor, so I’ve applied it just to highlight this bit of information.
  • It is also important to have in mind that angular applies interceptor in the order that you have provided them in your module’s providers.
  • Now when we make an HTTP request, the user’s token will be attached automatically.
  • This request will include an authorization header with a value of Bearer…
  • It should be pointed that Angular’s new HttpClient from @angular/common/HTTP.
  • When we try making requests using traditional HTTP class, the interceptor won’t be hit.

Looking for Unauthorized Responses

  • When the token expires we will generally get a 401 Unauthorized response back from the server.
  • This provides us a mark that we need the user to log in again to take a new token.
  • We have some options to make at this position. Do you want to redirect to a particular route that has a login form? Do we want to show a modal? Do we want to try to restore the token?
  • Either way, we need to set up the interceptor to handle responses.
  • The intercept method returns an observable which implies we will capture the success and error channels for a response and care for them however we like.
  • This is that the ideal place to try does of the logging we’d have to do.
  • We can even check for 401 Unauthorized responses and prompt the user to log in again.
  • This is also a prominent point to cache any failed requests.
  • This comes in first if we have token refreshing in place and we want to retry the requests when we have a new token.
  • The collectFailedRequests method can now be used in the interceptor.
  • With this in the situation, we have the possibility of calling retry Failed Requests after the user’s token is refreshed to trigger off the previously-failed requests.
  • This is just a small introduction that can help to substantially improve UX, largely if you have tokens with a very short existence.


Using interceptors can be very helpful for multiple aims on all types of applications. Hence it is important to know how it works and what you can accomplish with it to be able to apply it whenever you might require it.

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Sanju July 1, 2021 0 Comments

What is Angular Lifecycle?

In Angular, components are the primary building block for any application. Every component has a lifecycle, process of creation, and executes all the functions. It was created to execute, then destroys instances in the course of execution.

There are 8 different stages within the component lifecycle. This is called a lifecycle hook event. We can use this event in different phases in any application to control the components.

Every component must have a constructor method. The constructor is executed first before the execution of other lifecycle events. A Component is a typescript class.

With support for different subjects in Angular like Behaviour subject, async subject, etc., it also has many amazing features and just because of that reason, it is the exceedingly recommended frontend framework by the software experts.

Talking about the components in Angular, here is the lifecycle sequence available in order in which they are invoked.

  • ngOnChanges()
  • ngOnInit()
  • ngDoCheck()
  • ngAfterContentInit()
  • ngAfterContentChecked()
  • ngAfterViewInit()
  • ngAfterViewChecked()
  • ngOnDestroy()

How to use Lifecycle event?

There are three steps to use the lifecycle event in angular:

Step 1: Import lifecycle event interface
Step 2: Declare component that implements lifecycle event interface
Step 3: Create the lifecycle event method

Let’s create a simple component, which implements the ngOnInit event.

Step 1: Import lifecycle event interface

You can import the lifecycle event from the core module. The name of the event is written in without ng. For example, the ngOnInit event is OnInit.

Step 2: Component implements lifecycle event interface

In AppComponent, implements the OnInit interface.

Step 3: Create a lifecycle event method

The method name has the same name as the lifecycle event.

ngOnChanges() :

  • This event executes every time when the value of an input control within the component has been changed. Using this event, a parent component can communicate with its child component if the property decorator exposes @Input of the child component.
  • If your component has not declared input or you can use without providing any inputs, ngOnChanges event is not called. To use the ngOnChanges() event, first we need to import OnChanges from the @angular/core library.
  • ngOnChanges() event takes an object, that maps changed property named SimpleChange object, which takes the current and previous property value. For example, if two input property input1 and input2 are changed, the SimpleChanges object looks like this:

ngOnInit() :

  • ngOnInit() method is called only once when the component is created for the first time. This event is called after ngOnChanges event. In this event, you can add the initialization logic for the component.
  • To use the ngOnInit(), first we need to import OnInit from @angular/core library. Let’s see a simple example of ngOnInit().

Difference between Constructor andngOnInit

The constructor is executed when the class is initialized. It is the feature of JavaScript. The ngOnInit() is an angular lifecycle event and is called component initialization with the input properties. The input properties are available below the ngOnInit lifecycle event. You should use the constructor to initialize the class members. ngOnInit is used for all the declaration and initialization.

ngDoCheck() :

  • ngDoCheck() event is the third lifecycle event that gets called on a component. It invokes a custom change detection function logic for any component. When an input property of a component is checked then this event is triggered. Let’s see a simple example of the ngDoCheck() event.

ngAfterContentInit() :

  • When angular perform any external projection within the component’s view then this lifecycle event is executed. Before raising this event, also update the ContenChild and ContentChildren properties.

ngAfterContentChecked() :

  • When the content of the component has been checked by the change detection mechanism this event is executed.

ngAfterViewInit() :

  • When the component’s view has been initialized then the ngAfterViewInit() event is executed. This method is called after ngAfterContentChecked() event. This lifecycle event applies the only component.

ngAfterViewChecked() :

  • This event is called after ngAfterViewInit() event. When the view of the component has been changed by the change detection algorithm then this method is executed. This event is also called when data binding of the children’s directives has been changed. When the component waits for some value that is coming from the child component then this event is very useful.

ngOnDestroy() :

  • ngOnDestroy() event is executed just before angular destroys the component. This event is useful for detaching the event handlers to avoid memory leaks and unsubscribing the observable.


In this blog, we have discussed the angular lifecycle and their events in which they occur in a lifecycle of a component. When you are creating an application, these lifecycle events are more important to control the components.

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Sanju December 11, 2020 0 Comments