Best 9 Photoshop Shortcuts for UI Designers

While dealing with designs on Photoshop, the designers working for manpower consultancy and other businesses usually have some deadlines to finish the given project. Therefore, to do so, it is important that the designers are aware of all the shortcuts that can be used in Photoshop. These are the basics while working on the application and should be learnt by all designers when they work for a manpower consultancy so that they can complete the designs quicker. This is important because not even some professionals are aware of these shortcuts. Therefore, provided below are some shortcuts for the designers to know and learn.

1. Copy CSS

There are two aspects of design, namely creative and coding. Many designers are involved in both these aspects as the manpower consultancy and other companies may not hire two people for a given project. Therefore, the designers who are also involved in coding their design needs to know about this shortcut. This shortcut may help you in copying the Cascading Style Sheets or CSS of not just one but each and every element that is present in your whole document. This can be done in the following way. The CSS has layers and to copy it, you need to click here on the layer you want to choose and then select ‘Copy CSS’ option. For use, a sneak peak of the CSS is visible on the clipboard.

2. Adobe Preview

This is looked upon as a great feature by most of the designers. This is because as the name suggests, it provides a preview of your designs. This means that it allows you to look at your designs on a particular screen size of your choice. This comes in when the designers have to check up if each and every pixel looks perfect on every device.

3. Artboards

In comparison to the other basic shortcuts, this one might be a bit of a niche one for the professionals who have been spending some time creating designs. This is because this feature or shortcut is a new addition to the Photoshop CC and therefore, the designers new to Photoshop might pick it up easily. For the UI designers, it is imperative that they employ several art boards because it proves to be a necessity. These multiple art boards are used in just one single document. This is done so that the designers feel that they are working on Illustrator and are able to put up their mockups on separate screens.

4. Saving designs for web apps and device apps

The saving of designs can also take time and be a hassle that may encourage designers to forget doing so. This could lead to a disaster if the computer lags at any stage. Therefore, to learn the shortcut for saving the design is essential so that it is simple and easy to remember and do. Usually, designers use the option on the menu bar to save their designs. The shortcut to do this is to press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S for Windows and Cmd+Shift+Opt+S for the Mac devices.

5. Eyedropper Shortcut

There might be times when while using the brush tool, you might not want to use the colors on Photoshop. Therefore, there is an option known as the eyedropper tool which can help you choose a particular color from an image too. But when the designers working for manpower consultancy agencies and other companies want to select this tool, they need not look for the tool on the panel and click on it. Instead, for temporary switch to the eyedropper tool, they can hold Alt or Option key and then once they release, the brush tool will come back.

6. Lorem Ipsum Generation

When mocking up for an application or a website, the UI designers might not always have access to a copy that might work for content. Therefore, Lorem Ipsum is available for the designers to choose and work with. Many professionals and beginners usually work with an application on the app that provides them with a tool that generates the Lorem Ipsum function. However, it is important to note that this can be done through Photoshop too. As some designers might not be aware of, Photoshop too has the Lorem Ipsum function. After drawing a text box, the designer can select the ‘Type’ option from the menu bar and then select ‘Paste Lorem Ipsum’.

7. Altering the units of measurement

When creating a new document, there might be some default settings on it that may need to be changed. Therefore, any UI designer working for organizations like a manpower consultancy or different brands may go through the struggle of changing these default parameters. One of these is the default measurement provided in inches more than often. To change this into pixels or any favored measurement of your choice, the designers might have to go to edit option, select preferences and finally go to units and rulers. However, it is easier to just right click on the ruler given around the document and select the appropriate measurement.

8. Copying shape attributes

This is the same as the copying of the CSS layers that was mentioned above. This comes in quite handy when the designers feel the need to or have to set about designing more than one shape element. When you copy a shape attribute, every property along with the color etc gets copied. This can be done by a right click on any layer, the properties of which you want in your copied attribute. Then select the option Copy Shape Attributes and finally choose the layer you would like to copy these attributes to.

9. Fill the layers easily

This function allows the designer to fill any layer of their choice with the color of their present foreground and background. This basically works towards finishing the design as soon as possible. For the Windows devices, this is done by pressing Alt+Delete for foreground and Ctrl+Delete for the background. For the Mac devices, you can press Alt+Backspace for the foreground and Cmd+Backspace for the background.

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Sanju April 21, 2021 0 Comments

12 Simple Ways to Boost SEO on Your WordPress Website

The use of WordPress requires you to keep creating content that engages the users and make sure that the site has been optimized so that the rankings for the site automatically improve. This also frees the website of any technical lags and increases its usability too. The WordPress site will help you take care of the fundamentals that help the site to rank on the search engine. However, this may also need some tips and tricks so that the rankings of you site may improve further. This can also be done if the brands hire SEO expert for their site.

1. Select the themes which improve SEO for your site.

In the process of installing WordPress, there may be some default themes like the ‘Twenty Twenty’ which may be displayed in the beginning. But it is not the best alternative to select the default theme and it may be better to keep looking among themes. WordPress provides users with multiple themes which are free and when choosing one, make sure that they are SEO friendly so that your rankings improve.

2. Consider host providers which might be best.

The provider chosen by you for your site should be one that you can rely on. There are some more factors to consider before the final selection like the speed provided and the security that the site gets. These factors must be thought about and discussed when the companies hire SEO expert who can provide professional tips so look at this site.

3. Look for free plugins before optimizing the site.

It is important that the site be optimized but before that, the focus should be on the installation of a free plugin for the WordPress site. You may go for the commonplace ones like the All in one or the Yoast SEO. This might be selected by the companies that hire SEO expert by discussing this with them. The most common misconception is that the plugin may help in optimizing the site. This is not the case as it just eases the process for you.

4. Include the ‘last updated’ information on the site.

The content for your WordPress site should always be updates whenever there are any changes in the relevant information. But what confuses people is that whether they should include the modified date or remove these dates altogether. The best option here is to include the last updates or modified date so that the users know that the content is not a thing of the past.

5. Context can be useful for the users to understand content.

This can be done by the Schema markup which adds context to any type of content or data on your WordPress site. This leads to an eventual enhancement in the SEO for the site. This is because the search engines like Google are now able to comprehend your content and this means that they can mould it in several ways.

6. Use Tags for the pages to categorize your content.

WordPress provides you with the option of categorizing your content or placing it under different relevant tags. The brands hire SEO expert so that they know how these tags and other functions work. This option assists you in separating contrasting content and grouping similar content for the ease of the users.

7. Just the optimization of content may not work well.

This implies that the optimization of images is beneficial because it leads to an improvement in the speed of the site and its efficiency too. The images may contribute to the site slowing down in a major way. When the WordPress sites contain a lot of images within their content, the page size will inevitably increase. Usually this happens because the images have not been optimized.

8. Add descriptions and alt tags to images.

When there are images added to your WordPress site, make sure that you include alt tags for each of them. These actually lead to assistance of the visually impaired users in accessing your site. Along with it, they might serve as context and descriptions for the images added. Make sure that the alt tags attached to images clearly describe what the images are all about.

9. Optimize the file names for the images added too.

Everything that comes under your content in your WordPress site should be subject to optimization. This means that all images and media should also be rich. When uploading an image to the site, check the file name too. This means that the file names for images should be the content of the images in a few words instead of the useless file names that get saved in the library.

10. Relevance of topics for different pages should be established.

When you hire SEO expert, they might advise you to use internal links for the content on your site. This basically saves the relevance of topics for different pages in the site. It adds to the ease of users while navigating the site and pages. This process is very easy and simple to follow. The content that needs to be turned into a link must be highlighted and then the link option present in the tool bar must be selected.

11. Headings for the site need to be optimized too.

When you create the default URL to your WordPress page or site, the title or the heading should be optimized too, along with the other elements. The heading provides a sneak peek of what the content inside is all about. Therefore, the title, headings and the sub headings need to be clearly geared towards the content inside.

12. Carry out keyword research to improve rankings.

While optimizing the content within your site, you may get confused as to the keywords that should be used. This is where the keyword research comes into use. When you start off with search engine optimization, keyword research must be one of the first steps. The keywords are the main factor in planning the content for the site.

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Sanju April 19, 2021 0 Comments

Best 10 Tips for Graphic Designers In The Digital Marketing Industry

The main job for the graphic designers is to create visuals that seem to be aesthetic to the users of the application and the companies hire graphic designer to do so. It is also done to create visual appeals in the software that they work on through their unique designs. check here for some tips that might come in handy for the graphic designer who wants to create designs for digital marketing.

1. Be decisive when it comes to the designs you create.

Quite a lot of graphic designers are confused when it comes to the creation of a graphic design. No company wants to hire graphic designer who is confused about the visuals he needs to put out. Therefore, no matter what, make sure that as a graphic designer, you have an idea about the designs you are creating. This includes whether the marketing strategy deserves a simple and minimalistic design or a complex one.

2. Try to be quick in the process of creating the designs.

As the companies may be anticipating the release of an application they may hire graphic designer with a deadline in sight. For this reason, the designer needs to do everything they can to complete the given project before the deadline. Therefore, the one way to complete the designs in a quicker manner is to learn the shortcuts of certain basic functions. This may eventually result in the designer saving a lot of time that they can dedicate to complex issues.

3. Experiment with different colors in your design.

When the users look at your design in the digital marketing mediums of the company, they would firstly not focus on content. The whole purpose of designs are to attract the users through different and unique visuals and for this, colors are an essential element. Therefore, when creating the designs, the graphic designer needs to settle on a color combination with the use of color wheel. This is also known as the color palette for the brand and can either include complementary color or contrasting ones, according to the requirements of the brand.

4. Use infographics to your advantage in the graphic design.

When it comes to digital marketing, the design has to be rendered in a way as does not tale up a lot of time of time for the users. This is because the users online do not want to waste their time decoding messages from brand. Therefore in this case, the use of infographics can be beneficial as the text and images can relay the message in a very simple and quick manner. This is because the infographics usually increase the attractiveness of the content and therefore enhance the readability of the brand marketing.

5. Customize the designs in both an attractive and professional way.

When the companies hire graphic designer, they usually let them take over the project for the graphic designs and only explain to them the brand identity and requirements. Therefore, it is necessary that the designers understand the explanations and instructions provided. This is done so that the designers do not go ahead and focus on just one aspect of the graphic design. The designers need to keep in mind that the designs should be engaging as well as professional and basic.

6. Go for a pattern instead of an individual design.

The companies hire graphic designer for social media posts too as it is an important part of digital marketing. The designers therefore, while working on these social media posts, should always strive towards creating a pattern or string of around three posts. This keeps the users in anticipation as to the next upload and provides leverage to the posts. When the designers create individual posts, usually these get attention but do not create the anticipation that the series of posts create. This is also beneficial for the designer because they might have an idea to start off with and then continue it, creating sub-parts for it.

7. Alter your color preferences in accordance with the brand.

It so happens that over the course of time, as a graphic designer you might have to work for brands which promote different products and messages. The brands might very well have requirements that are completely contrary to each other. For this reason, the graphic designers may have to adjust and change their color palettes for different brands as the ones with a basic product might go for a subtle color theme. On the other hand, the brands which promote energetic products might have loud colors with vigor like red and orange.

8. Be prepared with updates for the clients.

This is also a way to plan out and outline the whole project along with the designs you would like to create. When the first prints of the designs are handed over to the client companies or individuals, they would expect to be regularly updated about the progress the designer makes. This would constitute the designer drawing up mock plans and designs for the clients to peruse and suggest improvements, This is also a major help to the designers when they are working on the actual and final design.

9. Encourage the customers to purchase the product.

When the graphic designers work for a company and designs ads to promote products, they must make it a point to add a call to action button in the site. This is so that the customers after finding the marketing medium are motivated to get in touch with the brand and try to purchase the product.

10. White spaces should not be considered as wasted.

Many designers want to include various elements so that all users find something to their liking in the design. However, this might result in the design looking chaotic and decrease its readability. To avoid this, the designers should incorporate some white space which serves as a break for the eyes and separate certain content, placing them apart and therefore, emphasizing their importance further.

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Sanju April 16, 2021 0 Comments
Beauty blogger present beauty cosmetics sitting in front camera

How to go Live on your Shopify Store for FREE !!

Digitalization and the global coronavirus pandemic accelerated changes in consumer behavior which altered their shopping habits. Widespread lockdowns pushed more shoppers to shop online which encouraged brands to invest in live commerce. Let us first understand What is Live Shopping?

Live Shopping or Live stream Shopping can be defined as the merger of shopping services and real-time streaming videos. Live online shopping first emerged in China and has since grown to become an essential sales channel for all e-Commerce brands all across the world. Suitable for all industries like beauty, fashion, consumer electronics, travel, and tourism, etc, Live commerce successfully bridges the gap between sellers and buyers.

Live stream shopping is the most powerful way to build your brand. Videos commerce can help you build deeper connections with your customers and help retain them. Live online shopping involves broadcasting a video while showcasing products in real-time. As everything happens instantaneously in raw form, this leads to improved customer engagement.

Additionally, consumers do not put their trust in brands easily. With a number of online hoaxes taking place and the availability of too many brands have made customers think twice before trusting a brand. Here is when live streaming shopping comes into play and takes your brand to a whole new level.

The most effective way to add live commerce to your online store is by integrating your websites or apps with a live shopping solution. live shopping solution is the one that can help you build brand awareness and credibility while you sell live.

Introducing Live Shop on Shopify has launched a Live Shop on Shopify that allows Shopify merchants of all sizes to leverage the power of live selling and boost their revenues.  Our Live stream Shopping can help your brand in a number of ways as mentioned below.

  • Live commerce ensures that your target audience is briefed clearly about your products and your brand. You can show them behind the scenes giving them an idea about your company, your work culture, and your vision. This will assure shoppers that you are an authentic brand.
  • Our Live shopping app for Shopify will help you demonstrate or showcase your products in engaging ways that can empower your customers to make informed decisions.
  • As everything happens in real-time your brand will be reflected as an authentic brand leading to an increase in your cart value and eventually the sales.
  • Apart from being a sales tool if leveraged thoughtfully our live shop on Shopify can serve as an effective marketing tool.

  • The best part is that you can Install this Live shopping plugin for Shopify for Free and Upgrade as you Scale-up.

Getting Started

Once you install our Live shopping plugin for Shopify you can get started easily by following a few basic steps as mentioned below.

  • Installation of the App
  • Creating an Event
  • Adding Event Basics
  • Choosing Products
  • Adding a Host
  • Managing your Event
  • Going Live from Broadcaster App

Use Cases

Live Online shopping in recent months has become the basic form of purchasing products and hence all almost all the industries are jumping onto this technology. Brands have started realizing the advantages of live stream shopping. Here are some use cases that can be achieved by leveraging our Live Video Shopping plugin for Shopify.

  • Hosting a fashion show
  • Launching a gadget while showcasing its features
  • Inviting celebrities to promote products
  • Hosting giveaways and live contest
  • Live streaming a tourist destination
  • Live streaming a yoga session
  • Offering limited-time deals and interacting with customers via live chat
  • Collaborating with an influencer for a Q&A session
  • Giving behind the scenes glimpse to your customers and much more

Wrapping Up

Livestream e-commerce is a unique experience, both for buyers and brands involved. The direct real-time interaction with customers makes it a unique selling as well as a marketing tool.

Shopify owners can now show customers products in more detail and customers can ask whatever they want to know directly by leveraging our live stream shopping app.

Let’s quickly recall all the benefits of our live shop on Shopify.

  • improves conversion rates
  • is educational and appealing to buyers
  • appeals to younger consumers
  • leads to increased sales and reduced returns
  • is shareable on social media
  • makes shopping entertaining
  • easily accessible

You can reach out to us at and clear your queries else you can simply install our Live shopping app for Shopify and start selling live.

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Sanju April 14, 2021 0 Comments

Why Hiring an Ideal Mobile App Development Company Is Essential for Business

Technology in recent times has taken huge strides towards development, everyone these days has access to mobile phones, people all across the globe can now stay connected with the help of a smartphone, mobile phones do not only allow you to communicate with another person, but also provides you ample information on the palm of your hands. One of the key reasons why the usage of mobile has increased in recent times is due to the benefits provided by the mobile application, everything is at our fingertips nowadays,  schedule a doctor’s appointment, Book a cab, Order food or groceries, and so much more, everything can be done on a mobile application, it is no surprise that most of the businesses need a mobile application to provide their customers with good services as well as compete in the market. To compete in the current market it has become essential for the business to hire a mobile development company, it is important that the mobile development company should be experienced and adept in creating applications that seamlessly work across all the devices and platforms. Rather than saving money, it would be advisable for businesses to hire a professional mobile app development company so that they can provide their customers with the best mobile applications and make a greater profit. Indian app developers are adept at making world-class applications for businesses.

What is the need for a mobile app for a business?

Let us take a look at some of the reasons why mobile applications are essential for businesses-

To build an audience

Mobile applications have a tremendous usage, almost everyone is using a mobile phone these days, businesses can use mobile applications to gain an audience, and increase their customer base, mobile applications enable you to interact with your customers, which further helps in building an audience, audience building is one of the most important factors why mobile applications are important, especially for the small businesses, as it is a great strategy to build customers with the help of a mobile application.

Mobile applications help in increasing brand awareness

Mobile applications provide the customers to have access to all the relevant information regarding your brand, further, you can also showcase your products and services through mobile applications, as they are the one-stop point where customers can get an overview of your brand. The new products can be showcased on the application and they can be promoted through the ads, this leads to an increment in the sale of the product meanwhile keeping the cost of promotion minimum. 

Business strategy analytics

By using mobile applications, businesses have the access to track important analytics, such as how many visitors they have, what product is the most viewed, how much time is spent on each section of the mobile application, and a lot more, analytics ensures that the target audience is right hence, it is crucial for marketing and advertising.

Mobile applications help the business to have a competitive advantage

In the market, there are many businesses that do not have a mobile application yet, and some who do not use the mobile application to its full potential, by having a good mobile application and using it to its full potential would help you in having an upper hand over your competitors.

Mobile applications help the small businesses

Mobile applications can be used as a tool for growth, it is also extremely cheap, making it one of the best tools for small businesses to grow without spending a lot, most businesses think that creating a mobile application would be expensive, however, this is not true, on the contrary when the mobile application is developed, it can yield a lot of profit.

Easy and quick payment

Some industries such as eCommerce, travel, etc, often require online payments, in order to sell their products online. One of the most important reasons why your business requires a mobile application is due to the feature of secure payment, secure payment is both an easy and trustable way to buy products or services online.

The growth of sales and business

The primary focus of the industry is upon the exploration of the newer avenues within the marketplace, to implement strategies for mobile application development for their campaigns. The user requirements must be satisfied meanwhile there would be an increase in the sales as the number of mobile users increases. To ensure that a lot of progress is made in a short amount of time, mobile applications are very effective.

Mobile applications help your business gain and retain loyal customers

You can provide your customers with very good customer support that helps you make a very good connection with them, you can send them discount offers, personalized notifications, and news of attractive offers. By using a mobile application you can send messages to your customers and provide them some valuable customer support whenever they want, due to this, you can build trust upon your customers and retain as well as gain loyal customers.

Mobile applications can help you deliver powerful messages to your customers

With the help of mobile applications you can deliver powerful messages to your customers at a very low price, this helps you in saving the cost as well as convert the potential visitors into confirmed clients, a powerful way to establish a better relationship with the customers is by push notification, it ensures that the business is promoted effectively.

Benefits of hiring a mobile app development company to make a mobile application for your business

As mentioned earlier, mobile applications are necessary for every business in order to succeed, you have some options for getting your mobile application developed, you can hire an in-house IT- developer, hire a freelance developer or choose a mobile app development company, which is the best option.

A mobile application development company includes a team of professionals, who work to provide you with the best mobile applications.

Let us take a look at why it is beneficial for you to hire a mobile app development company-

Hiring a mobile app development company is beneficial for startups and big projects

One of the biggest advantages of hiring a mobile app development company to get a mobile application developed is that it provides you a wide range of professional services, that ranges from business consulting to business analysis, and from the evaluation of ideas to services even after the application is developed, an app development company would offer you professional services that are trustworthy, whereas a freelancer is a jack of all trade who might not offer you professional services, freelancers are not trustworthy and it is a risk to invest in a freelancer in order to get your mobile application developed. App developers in India do not cost much and are exceptional for startups

Hiring a mobile app development companies is Budget-friendly

Contrary to hiring a freelancer or an in-house IT developer, hiring a mobile app development is beneficial for your business as it is budget-friendly while outsourcing a mobile app development company you would be charged according to the work that would be delivered to you, their billing could be one-time fixed or they charge you on an hourly basis, the billing would also be done according to the terms and conditions of the agreement you have done with the development company, which further helps in bringing down your overhead cost and allows your operational and business expenditure to be more affordable and cost-effective.

Mobile app development company possess resources and technical expertise

The availability of resources and technical resources is another reason why it is important that you hire a mobile app development company, mobile app development has all the tools that are up to date, licenses, certificates, and software that are essential for developing a mobile application for your business. The mobile app development companies are up to date with the latest trends in development strategies hence they can provide you with the best modern state of art mobile applications for your business niche.App developers in India are tremendously talented and skilled.

The workflow of a mobile development company is tuned.

You can reap the benefit from a tuned workflow if you are hiring a mobile app development company, you can get up to date reports on the development of the project through the project managers which would allow you to make changes and adjustments, in order to meet the guidelines and complete the project on a specific deadline, a tuned workflow is important.

The mobile app development company provides you round the clock support

You have the access to a 24/7 support team if you hire a mobile app development company to get a mobile application for your business development. If you hire a freelancer, it is not possible for them to provide you continuous and regular support due to their unavailability because of personal reasons, but a mobile application development company has a team that is assigned to provide you the best support whenever and for whatever query you have.

Mobile app development company serves you with fewer legal issues

A highly reputed mobile app development company is well versed with the legal formalities and helps you eliminate the chances of having a legal issue, you can rest assured that the responsibility of development of your businesses mobile application is in safe hands, the reputed mobile app development companies are very much concerned about their image and hence they avoid any legal difficulties.

The mobile app development ensures that they provide you a good product

In order to hire a reputed Indian app developer, it is really important that they maintain a really good portfolio and maintain a solid relationship with their customers so that they get good reviews from the customers, they have a reputation and in order to maintain that reputation they do all they can, and hence strive to provide the customers with the best possible services, so that they get positive reviews from the customers. Hiring a reputed mobile app development company makes sure that they provide you the best possible mobile applications so that they can showcase it as an achievement in their portfolio. Unlike freelancers, a company cannot just relocate itself in a quick time, hence they can be trusted for the development of really good quality state of art mobile applications. The mobile app development companies also maintain high security for the client’s application, which is not so certain if you hire a freelancer for the development of the mobile application for your business.

The mobile app development companies are good for long term relationships

The mobile app development company is inclined towards making long-term clients, hence they produce mobile applications that are satisfactory to their customers so that they can trust them again and get their applications developed by the mobile development company. Since Indian app developers are amongst the most efficient and talented developers, you can expect long-term relationships.

Some tips that would help you in choosing the App developers, India

  • The mobile app development company should have a good amount of experience under their belt, in order to get the best app you need to make sure that the mobile app development company has faced a similar challenge before.
  • The mobile app development company should have a good portfolio, they must have some credibility to their name, you must ask the mobile app development company for their portfolio to make sure they have a good reputation in the market
  • You must make sure that the coding standards of the mobile app development company are high, and they can develop mobile applications for all the platforms.
  • Enquire by taking feedback from the customers with whom the mobile app development company has worked prior.
  • Ensure that the mobile app development provides you the copyright so that there are no further legal difficulties.
  • Ask for the pricing beforehand, so that you have an overview of all the costs, and ensure that there are no further additional costs involved in the development of the mobile application for your business.


As technology has developed rapidly in recent times, the use of mobile phones has also increased, almost everyone these days has access to mobile phones. One of the main reasons why mobile phones are so popular these days is due to the mobile application. In order to provide the customers with the best features and experience, every business needs to have a mobile application, to get a good mobile application developed for your business, it is essential that you hire a good and reputed mobile app development company.

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Sanju April 12, 2021 0 Comments

How To Build A Multi-Vendor Shopify Marketplace App – Case Study

Shopify marketplace apps are no novelty anymore. They are everywhere and have been around since 2006 as part of Shopify, an instrumental eCommerce platform for retail point-of-sale systems and online stores.

Shopify is a feature-rich, future-ready digital ecosystem for online sellers since it provides a user-friendly interface together with an exquisite range of tools to set up your online store. You can hire certified Shopify experts to get a full-featured online store that meets your expectations and unique needs.

With Shopify’s self-hosting services, you can push your store live right after a quick and easy initial configuration.

Though Shopify has covered a lot of good ground ever since its phenomenal inception, it still doesn’t provide the multi-vendor marketplace setup support as provided by the likes of eBay and Amazon.

It may be quite a spoilsport for Shopify lovers who want to capitalize on this dependable and versatile platform to launch a multi-vendor marketplace, but that’s the way it is.

Does it mean you can’t host a Shopify multi-vendor marketplace? Fortunately, no. With custom application development services, you can certainly build a multi-seller Shopify marketplace app and achieve your business objectives.

What is Shopify app development?

While most of us understand the concept of a multi-vendor app, let’s catch up. A multi-vendor marketplace app is an application that serves as a digital distribution platform or bridge to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers.

For instance, eBay and Amazon are multi-seller apps wherein the sellers can upload their products and the visitors can purchase them. A multi-vendor application owner charges a predefined commission to the seller for each sale or on a subscription basis.

Such platforms are cherished by online vendors for the basic reason that they offer high benefits in terms of improved sales, user experience, efficiency, and convenience.

As of today, physical strategy businesses are not progressing as they should. Over 50% of the populace today surfs the web and invests their time in online locales instead of visiting physical stores to make a purchase.

Therefore, the clients these days are more willing to go online with a multi-seller web-based business that they can operate from just about anywhere as they will receive an assortment of merchandise from different vendors at a single stop.

These online stores provide better returns on your time, money, and energy as compared to opening a brick-and-mortar store that shoppers seldom visit these days.

Though several technologies can help you build a multi-seller app, Shopify is the most preferred option due to the wide range of features and merits it has on offer.

What can Shopify multi-vendor marketplace apps do?

Shopify multi-vendor marketplace apps provide your website with rich functionalities to offer vendors an easy way to access your website’s backend, with no admin controls. From the backend, vendors can quickly add, categorize, edit, and remove their product listings from your website.

Besides, the app helps you set up commissions that the vendors will pay for using the online store either monthly, annually, or on a per-sale basis.

Why is a Shopify multi-vendor marketplace app so important?

With customers increasingly counting on online shopping, ecommerce is opening new possibilities for countless entrepreneurs. Nasdaq predicts that around 95% of purchases will be done online by 2040 and, therefore, entrepreneurs have a serious reason to try their hands at eCommerce. And when we talk about eCommerce, multi-seller platforms are the new norm.

Due to the phenomenal surge that the eCommerce multi-vendor marketplace has witnessed over the last decade or so, having a multi-vendor architecture has almost become a necessity.

Gone are the days when a single business owner used to set up an online store, showcase his line of products, and drive sales almost single-handedly. The multi-vendor approach is the next fascination.

Due to the formidable business competition that the eCommerce niche has at present, just building an online store or eCommerce app is not enough for merchants to survive or thrive. In this always-online age, profits and sales are driven by user interactions and communities. Therefore, the need to have a multi-vendor mindset was never more urgent.

How does a custom multi-vendor Shopify marketplace work?

You can get started with this smarter, better eCommerce marketplace in three simple steps:

  1. Create a custom Shopify multi-vendor app to transform your online store into a marketplace that is 360-degree functional.
  2. Once you push the store live, invite other businesses to collaborate with your Shopify marketplace app to display their merchandise digitally in an organized manner to ensure customers can search, browse, and purchase their products.
  3. Keep a track of all sales and set a commission for each sale to earn from your local as well as global sellers.

Merchants can also use these multi-vendor online marketplaces as a launchpad to create and enhance their online presence. This helps them earn recurring sales and loyal customers.

Shopify’s app library flaunts quite a few marketplace apps to help you convert your online store into a full-spectrum digital marketplace; however, there’s a catch.

If you have a unique product niche, plan to add some out-of-the-ordinary products at some stage moving forward, or have potential sellers from a diverse business genre, going with a strict, predefined architecture may not be a good pick.

Such solutions may not provide you the factor of flexibility in terms of adding customizations as required by you or the vendors selling their merchandise on your platform. It’s like you’ll be handcuffed with a restricted reach, and that’s surely the last thing you’d ask for.

Case study of a custom multi-vendor marketplace app development

Our Shopify app development, The Brihaspati Infotech, recently helped a client achieve his dream of hosting a revolutionary online store that can fit in his budget, entice the audience, perform seamlessly, and cater to the rapidly-changing expectations of his vendors.

Our Shopify app development team delivered a multi-vendor marketplace on time and within budget.

Here’s the case study:

Client requirements

The client had an online liquor-based multi-vendor Shopify marketplace app.

The client had the following requirements:

  • Enable other liquor vendors to sell their products through his app
  • Properly categorize all store products
  • Integrate 24×7 live chat on the store

While the requirements were pretty straightforward, implementing the solution on an active Shopify store with a quick turnaround time wasn’t anybody’s game.

Therefore, the client decided to hire Shopify developers from us.

The solution

Our development team divided the whole project into two parts, namely:

  1. Interface for the store owner
  2. Interface for vendors

Doing this on an open-source platform like Magento would have been easier. However, in Shopify, we had no scope for intervening with the base code. Therefore, we created separate interfaces and used them as embedded apps at the back-end panel with iframes to build the marketplace app.

With Shopify APIs and webhooks, we can POST and GET data “TO and FROM” the Shopify website to the custom-built interface.

We used Yii/LAMP technology stack to build the interfaces. The store owner interface was hosted as a Shopify app on the client server and linked to the Shopify website using the client’s Shopify partner account.

The vendor interface was hosted on a sub-domain of the store owner’s website and vendors were able to access it by logging in with their vendor accounts in the multi-vendor marketplace Shopify app.

Features for Shopify App Development Solution

Working agile, our Shopify app development team came up with a secure, easy-to-use, and fully functional multi-vendor Shopify app. The solution was tested vigorously for functionality, performance, and user experience.

The Shopify app development solution we delivered had the following salient features:

Comprehensive, easy-to-use seller dashboard

We delivered a crisp, clear, and clean interface for the dashboard landing pages. The dashboard helps the client get a real-time overview of the number of products, orders, buyers, and messages received by the seller.

Also, the dashboard flaunts an overview in the form of a bar graph powered by HighCharts for dynamic chart implementation.

Several powerful functionalities and features were provided for the seller, including options to add new products, review buyer and order history, view purchase orders, and interact with buyers through instant messaging.

Immersive, easy-to-use admin interface

Our Shopify app development company used an embedded app module to help admins access their admin interfaces through the default Shopify admin dashboard.

Our Shopify app development company deployed Shopify APIs to sync the customer data, orders, and products efficiently with the default Shopify database.

The store admins can simply launch the Shopify multi-vendor app within their Shopify dashboard to manage seller accounts, submitted products, and a lot more.

Major challenges and roadblocks during the development process

Though we’ve successfully developed quite a few multi-vendor Shopify apps, each project has new challenges based on the client’s unique requirements, budget, time, technology, existing architecture, etc.

This project had its share of challenges such as:

1.   Custom nested product filters

We created nested filters such that selecting one filter affects the option of others in the Shopify app development plugin. However, doing this with the default filters available in the Shopify backend was not possible.

We resolved the conundrum with separate product creation forms, providing a unique form for each collection. Furthermore, we created product tags to be used as filters.

Based on predefined product categories, tags were created for each product type

Predefined product categories were used to create tags for each product type based on which the filters showed relevant data. The tags were added automatically and were visible to store admins.

As we used Yii under the MVC architecture to create the forms, they were easy to enhance and modify as per the client’s business needs. The plugin also remains adaptable to changing business requirements.

    2. Creating a live chat

The client wanted live chat functionality for real-time user interaction on the multi-vendor Shopify app development module. Furthermore, the client wanted all chats to be saved on the backend to help the buyer pick up a conversation from where they dropped it earlier.

The seller can keep a track of new, ongoing, and past chats under the Messages section.

For this, we used Chat ID as a unique identifier for each conversation. The Chat ID helped identify who has sent a message and then display it under the corresponding User ID.

Using this approach, not only were we able to implement real-time one-to-one chat, but we were also able to save and access the chat record between buyer and merchant in the database.

      3. Real-time sync of Shopify and seller database

As the multi-vendor marketplace, the Shopify app had the seller dashboard as a separate interface developed in Yii and hosted on a separate server, the solution had to make sure that whenever a seller creates a new product, it is simultaneously created in Shopify as well.

For this, we used the Shopify console runner to work in the background and call the Product API each time someone adds a new product. It helped us implement a real-time data synchronization between the Shopify and seller dashboard.

Case study summary and result

The Brihaspati Infotech delivered a stable and dynamic Shopify marketplace app to the client on time and within budget. The solution helped the client regulate and manage their business on various levels, improve efficiency, and save time on repetitive tasks.

As we have successfully delivered several similar solutions such as a Shopify Payment Gateway Integration, the turnaround time for this Shopify multi-vendor marketplace app was quick and all the client requirements were completely addressed.

We delivered a feature-rich solution with various high-end functionalities, such as:

  • The ability for sellers to define custom shipping methods and tracking IDs
  • Integration with Hubspot
  • The ability for admins to define a commission rate
  • Scalable and customized dashboard
  • Real-time data sync between the Shopify and seller dashboard

The project met our criteria of 100% client satisfaction with seamless communication, project transparency, regular updates, stringent testing, and after-sales support.

Few words about us

The Brihaspati Infotech is a 360-degree Shopify app development services provider to startups, SMBs, and enterprises. Our solutions are tailored for your unique business needs and aimed to accentuate practically every square inch of your business and ultimately help you max out your ROI.

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Sanju April 9, 2021 0 Comments

5 Proven Ways to Ensure the Cybersecurity of Your Business

With half the world moving towards a work from home setup, the risk of your business security is a worrying point. In a recent survey,  87% of small business owners do not seem to prioritize this as a concern. In another staggering study, it was also seen that half of the small businesses are prone to a cyber attack.

Businesses that are based online are a soft target for hackers. These businesses have a lot of data to take care of and not all their security measures are always efficient. Hackers can steal this information and put your business in jeopardy greatly. But, cybersecurity for your business becomes integral, because the biggest way to put your business at risk is when you haven’t taken measures to secure it.

So, in this article, we will take a look at how cybersecurity for your business is important and what are the top 5 ways to ensure cybersecurity for your business:

5 Ways to Ensure The Cyber Security of Your Business

While we recommend using a trusted software to keep the cybersecurity of your business intact, here are some additional tips you can use:

  • Train Your Employees Well

    Firstly, we recommend that you have a business security plan, especially pertaining to cybersecurity. Your employees should be well acquainted with this. It should have guidelines on the best practices, especially the ones that you expect your employees to follow in the event of a crisis. You should tell them about your cybersecurity policy as well as the protocols that the employees must follow in case a breach occurs. Educate them about simple practices like creating strong and unique passwords for each of the accounts. Also, tell them to avoid using company accounts on personal devices without stringent security measures. Encourage them to use a two-factor authentication method to keep data safe. All of these measures would surely help in taking a step towards setting up a safe framework for efficient cybersecurity.
  • Keep your computers updated and in sync with the latest technology

One of the best ways to ensure cybersecurity for your business is on track is by regularly updating your company devices. This includes your laptops, desktops as well as mobile devices that you provide to your employees. Make sure that your operating systems as well as web browsers are updated and are protected (via MDM Software)against any threats that may harm you and your client’s data. Have a dedicated team or resource to keep a check on new versions of software that you are using, which includes security software too. Nearly, all software stored in your computer requires regular updates. On the other hand, follow up on your cloud software being up to date, as the update process will be facilitated by the provider of the cloud software.

  •  Create regular backups
    It is also necessary to create a regular backup of information for all your devices. In case the information gets stolen or is missing, you should have a quick stand-by ready. All your vital information needs to have a backup. For instance, you may keep necessary vendor information in a shared folder on your desktop. But, we also recommend keeping it on a stand-by hard disk for easy access in case your shared folder gets lost. Additionally, you should have a copy of your passwords too. The key decision-makers and the IT department of the company must have easy access to these. Otherwise, in a time of crisis, it can get tricky to retain important information.
  • Secure your wifi and network connectivity
    Your business WiFi is pretty much the first point for the cybersecurity of your business to be compromised. Secure your WiFi in a manner that only the IT department of your company knows the passwords. Do not circulate all the passwords amongst employees either. Let the IT resource set up the company WiFi for them on their preferred device. In case, you wish to have WiFi for your consumers and clients to use, then make use of a different network. Guests should not have the same WiFi as employees. This can help you in keeping cybersecurity intact and prevent hackers from attacking your data through your WiFi.
  • Limit admin access and the decision making should lie with a limited number of people
    Have a set limit for people who get access to your company computers as well as accounts. Even a well-known, trusted person should not be given access to the computers or this information that is typically unauthorized for usage. For instance, we don’t recommend letting a client borrow your laptop to simply look something up. Additionally, employees from different teams should have different levels of access to technology. An accountant need not share accounting and financial information with other colleagues. Similarly, the IT team should have all networking passwords secure with them so as to keep the cybersecurity of business intact.

With the aforementioned measures, you can figure out a strategic plan to ensure the cybersecurity of your business. All of these will surely help in keeping your business safe currently and away from any harm caused by hackers. We also recommend using safe communication tools for your team so that all official data is kept safe and there is no hindrance in the communication either.

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Sanju April 6, 2021 0 Comments

What Makes a Magento Website Slow

Magento Solution springs to mind when one thinks of eCommerce platforms. The Magento Solution is the world’s most popular open-source platform. They provide merchants tools that enable them to manage how the design, appearance, content of a website is handled. Moreover, it has an admin panel that lets the admin maintain the website without any technical or development knowledge.

One of Magento’s most disturbing downsides is the front-end loading speed. After all, nothing is perfect. The fact is, Magento by default is not slow and can be optimized for optimal performance. Let’s take a look at a few ways to improve Magento’s website loading speed.

Reasons for low Magento speed

Slow hardware:

Magento pages can take a long time to load for a number of reasons, the most significant is not meeting Magento’s Technical requirements.

Third-party extensions:

It’s core functionality and is developed by the Magento team. Third-party extensions are made by programmers with average skills. The performance of Magento can be adversely affected by a poorly written extension.

Try turning off all extensions one by one and see if it affects loading speed or not. You can try the default Magento version and see if it is faster. Then you better know that extensions are slowing you down. Magento Development Services can assist you if you are having difficulties with your Magento eCommerce store.

Disabled full page cache:

A Cache is used for storing copies of a website’s pages so that when the user accesses the website they can easily find their earlier stored copies. Rather than creating the pages again and going through the whole process.

You can boost your website’s performance by using caching tools. If you use the best ones and implement them correctly, you’ll show an increase in the website’s loading speed.

Look at a few ways you can improve the loading speed of your website by improving the Magento 2 Admin page.

Minifying and merging JavaScript and CSS files

Magento’s slow loading website can be attributed to unmerged and unminified Javascript and CSS files. Minifying contains removing any extra characters from the code, such as, whitespace, line breaks, comments, etc., and compressing it down to its bare minimum. Minification reduces the volume of code you have to transfer, which improves the speed of your website.

Java and CSS merge means unifying multiple CSS and javascript files into one. This reduces the volume of latency and prevents loading separate files.

Go to the admin page and go to store, settings, then configuration, then “Developer”. In the advanced options, click the “Developer” option. Select the following tabs: Template settings, JavaScript settings, and CSS settings. To merge and minify the javascript and CSS, select Yes and then Save configuration when you are finished.

Enabling a Flat Catalog

Magento stores catalog data in multiple tables using the Entity-Attribute-Value model. However, since attributes are stored in multiple tables, SQL queries can be very long. This adversely affects Magenta’s performance.

You can increase the speed of the collection process by storing data in one flat catalog instead of many tables.

To enable the Flat Catalog, you must go to the store, and then set up the settings and configure them in the admin panel. When you select the flat catalog option under the catalog tab, say YES to flush the cache and reindex the data once done.

Using Varnish Cache

It reduces response times and network bandwidth consumption for equal requests in the future by saving files or file fragments in memory. Varnish is an open-source accelerator for web applications.

Magento 2 is fully compatible with Varnish. In addition, Magento strongly recommends using Varnish in Magento Developer Documents, as it offers wider performance than the integrated full page cache does and is specifically designed to speed up HTTP traffic.

To enable Varnish Cache, navigate to Stores, then Settings, then Configuration, then Advanced, and then System.

Configuring product attribute sets

Standard Magento 2 features include a variety of product attributes. When you create a product, a webmaster simply fills in the attributes associated with the newly created product. All other attributes remain blank.

When a customer downloads a product page, the server analyzes the whole feature list, matches the populated parts, and shows it to the customer. This affects the loading speed of the product page/search page/catalog page.

You can improve the loading of product pages by creating custom feature sets for each type of product in your store. Deploying may take a while, but you will work better and have fewer irritated customers. You can configure product attributes under Stores and then attribute after Products.

Disabling unused stores and store views

Stores and views can take up a lot of space on the server, resulting in poor loading performance. Click on the store’s version in the upper right-hand corner to remove the unnecessary Store View, and then go to Store, then Settings, and then All Stores.

Checking error logs

Checking your error logs from time to time will help to detect any existing errors. You need to sign in to the Magento site so the system can begin taking notes.

This is done by accessing Stores and Configuration, then Advanced by selecting Developer and Debug and enabling the log section for file.

By combining these simple steps, you can significantly improve the overall performance of Magento 2.

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Sanju April 5, 2021 0 Comments

What is Cloud-Based Software and Why Is It Becoming More Popular?

It may seem like almost everyone in the IT industry is raving about cloud-based software, recommending it regardless of industry or specific business objectives. Cloud-based software, they say, is the way of the future, offering unparalleled benefits and greater digital security in a single package.

Yet many businesses are still hesitant to undergo dramatic renovations of their software or technology departments, and for good reason. Changing to new technology or applications might be costly, particularly if a given business already runs well on existing devices or software. It’s very important that business leaders ask themselves some questions before digitally transforming their business processes to cloud-based.

What exactly is cloud-based software and why is it becoming more popular than ever? The answer to both questions is simpler than you might expect.

Cloud-Based Software in a Nutshell

Cloud-based software comes from cloud computing, which essentially means accessing, developing or storing programs and data on the Internet instead of storing them on a physical hard drive.

Under a classic computing model, any software your computer accesses must be installed on your device’s physical hard drive.

With cloud computing, all your computer needs to do is access the Internet, then it can use a program installed on a cloud server. That software can be accessed by other computers who have the same privileges and permissions, as well.

This decentralized computing style is affecting every aspect of the IT industry, from computer security to software development and business. But its increasing ubiquity and apparent ease of access don’t fully explain why it is so much more popular now than it was just a few short years ago.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Software

Cloud-based software provides a number of advantages to enterprises that adopt it fully. Let’s break down some of the most insightful ones.

Lower Costs Across the Board

For starters, cloud-based software usually comes with lower costs for businesses that leverage it. Businesses no longer have to purchase individual software licenses to install software on dozens of computers for their company. Now they can rent software for their entire staff by paying a single monthly fee.

Furthermore, cloud-based software means you don’t have to rely on many IT support services. Most IT support for a given software type or brand can be handled by their associated data centers.

Even the costs of supporting or maintaining various applications are lower since cloud vendors handle updates and upgrades for any software they provide.

On a more technical level, cloud-based software only requires businesses to pay for the computing resources they need. Businesses also don’t have to spend time purchasing, building, and/or maintaining hardware to store their programs and data. Fees for renting data storage space are usually much cheaper.

Business leaders can easily justify the cost of transitioning the cloud-based software due to the long-term savings they’ll likely see after adjusting.

Faster Access to Hardware and Software

One other advantage of cloud-based software is faster installation. Since a company’s computers can simply download any software or computing resources they need, they no longer have to wait for software licenses to be delivered or for hardware to be constructed.

Instead, all that’s required is for an enterprise to contact a cloud-based software company, sign a licensing or rental agreement, and immediately gain access to what they require for their objectives.

This fast access allows companies to grow at much speedier rates than they used to, as well as handle many more visitors or users during high-traffic times.

Are your servers being overloaded by the number of visitors to your website thanks to a new promotion? Simply requisition more server resources from your cloud-based software vendor.

More Reliable Data Security and Backups

Furthermore, cloud software provides much more reliable data security and backup functionality compared to traditional counterparts.

This kind of software can be updated and improved straight from the cloud, allowing any new updates to be disseminated to individual software versions throughout the network in a flash.

Thus, a cloud services company that finds a minor security breach can patch the breach with their version of the software, then roll out the fix to all affected companies much more quickly than otherwise.

Companies are less likely to have their data stolen or their servers compromised if they use cloud-based software overall. This even extends to physical breaches – disgruntled employees can no longer steal company secrets directly from local hard drives as all valuable data is instead stored behind password-protected cloud servers.

Backups can also be scheduled quite frequently using cloud-based software. This prevents valuable data from being lost due to a power outage or a security breach.

Ultimately, there’s no wonder why cloud contact centers, digital marketing agencies, remote software developers and many other industries are becoming the new normal in contrast to their predecessors.

Any enterprise concerned with greater IT security should transition to a cloud-based software use model ASAP.

Easy Access from Anywhere with Internet

Perhaps most important of all, cloud-based software allows company employees and executives to access crucial data or applications from anywhere they can connect to the Internet.

No longer do they need to make sure they have their “work computer” with them – they can find the files they need or access a company dashboard in a few minutes after logging in with the appropriate credentials.

This will likely provide even greater benefits later down the road as internet marketing for small business and big enterprises becomes more of a necessity.

The Final Word: Cloud-Based Computing and Software is the Future

In the end, any business that wants to survive – and thrive! – in the modern economic environment will need to leverage cloud-based software as much as possible.

Many surveys already suggest that a majority of industry leaders are looking to adapt their business models moving forward, focusing on agility and flexibility. Cloud computing, and the software that comes along with it, is the best way to accomplish these goals in the technology department.

Cloud computing is here to stay, and it’s only going to become more ubiquitous in a few years. Make the leap now, while the shift is still happening, to using cloud-based software sooner rather than later. Before long, your company will see bigger benefits and greater security!

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Sanju April 3, 2021 0 Comments

7 Major Variations That Are Growing Search & Digital Marketing

Everybody remembers those cold-calling, knocking over doors, and using the traditional advertising time! But with the intervention of time, many things have changed.

Now the things question why you need a digital marketing strategy. Even if you want to grow faster and smarter, you would need an effective digital marketing strategy. This strategy is not just depicted in plain words; it includes the business’s integrative plan using the power of social media, search engines, emails, and the overall content to promote the business you are planning to grow digitally.

Is this looking easy?

Even if it is looking the way but is not, most businesses fail to implement their digital marketing strategy either they don’t have enough knowledge, time, or experience.

The brands and businesses are expecting a great evolution in digital marketing strategies. Only digital marketing holds the capability to impact the website rankings and the whole approach.

Digital marketing campaigns provide a high surge in traffic, leads as well as sales. Look, the point is straightforward: you can easily search for your favorite content over Google or YouTube in this rising techie world. In fact, you can read blogs, go through the tutorials and learn many things but what is most important is that you can spend money well too.

There are many known privileges of implementing digital marketing services for your business. If it produces positive results, it can enable online marketing to upsurge at a higher rate. Modern business has now identified digital marketing while being the professional tool to direct the traffic. But one main thing that matters is the ability to understand your customers, and it is often underrated. A digital marketing strategy is nothing if it is not tailored to the audience’s needs.

Let us talk about the industry’s variation that triggers the growth of digital marketing strategies and how they are providing growth marketing trends in the year 2021.

1. The introduction of content marketing: You must know that content marketing is the topmost demand generation strategy. Nobody has a clear idea that this specific strategy can light the entire customer life cycle, varying from basic to excellence. Just content and lots of it can help in extending this lifecycle via seamless experiences. In fact, a wide portion of this marketing budget of the business is fully bent towards content marketing.

2. Investing in the customer experiences: Obviously, if you are a true business leader, you will definitely talk about serving the customers and bestowing them the best experiences. This way, the expansion of the customer base is possible. Boosting the whole landscape for the customers with the digital marketing tool can flip the business’s complete script. Now, if you ask for an example, then nailing the Facebook Ads is the holy grail of customer-centric digital marketing. The results will be incredible if you use it as the explicit goal.

3. Personalizing the whole digital customer experience: Whatever the business type you are holding, you know a wide portion of your customers have full access to the information and are well-versed with the other vital information. Personalizing the digital customer experience can create sense for almost all businesses with easy access to the information. Remember that the companies that have mastered the art of personalizing the digital customer experience would definitely secure the specific benefits over the adversaries.

4. Investing in the omnichannel experiences: The relevant omnichannel campaigns can only work well if you know-how about the people and the things online. It can also create perfect personas of the target audiences depending on the complex data and the social media where these customers are most active. Even due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has also become necessary for the individual to rely on online sources. With the development of more awareness among the business related to building these digital marketing tactics, you need to ensure the alignment of the campaigns across each and every platform to secure better growth and success.

5. The absolute growth marketing channel: It’s your customers only that represents the best growth marketing channel. Even money comes afterward than the happy, satisfied, and loyal clients. To acquire this kind of customer loyalty takes a lot of effort and a long-term commitment to the program’s success. This can be made further with the great products and service delivery initiation with the exceptional customer experience. You can consider the things like special reward programs, loyalty promotions, as well as many surprise gifts in the order. Try to give the best and exclusive treatments to your clients.

6. Facilitating Interaction with the targeted audiences: The digital marketing methods cooperating with the target audiences are the dream for many. Most businesses lag when they don’t know how a significant variant can impact their business well. All that your business need is result-driven interactions. Therefore, facilitating the engagements with the clients would be able to let you know the things that your prospects would need. The better formation of the data will let you make the perfect arrangement of the business’s next moves that can build superb associations and gain your outstanding business experiences.

7.  Building the brand reputation: Why would anyone want to do any stuff related to the search and digital marketing tactics to pull the greatest of the audiences. This is due to building a brand reputation. Therefore, offering the same stuff you guaranteed would allow you to build up a significant association with the clients they can refer further. This will ultimately influence the businesses to sustain the trend and grow widely. Your online reputation has a huge hand in building the reputation of your business.

Don’t just stop to build your customer persona; grow your awareness, visibility, traffic today and gain the conversions.

Always follow the digital marketing tactics that focus on audience engagement and the acquisition/ growth of the business.

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Sanju March 31, 2021 0 Comments