7 Mistakes to avoid while redesigning a website

Are you planning to revamp your website design to attract more visitors and generate leads?

Well! Redesigning a website is always a daunting task, but it can be done successfully by joining hands with an experienced website designing agency. Always remember, if your website is visually appealing and error-free, then you can easily take your business to the next level.

A well-designed and perfect website will help you boost your website traffic but also helps you rank higher on Google. You would be surprised to know that 90% of the people will redirect to another website if they experienced a bad design.

By analyzing your website from time to time, you can easily get an idea of what is working and what needs to be updated. Indeed, to improve the bottom line and come up with more options, you might need a lot of time.

No worries! By keeping all these things in mind, I have jotted down the seven biggest mistakes that are commonly made by people while designing a website. So, whenever you redesign your suite, make sure you avoid this mistake to generate the best possible results.

7 Website redesigning mistakes

Let’s get started….

No setting the right goals

If you think that website redesigning is all about using the latest trends and techniques, you are on the wrong track. You need to understand the reason why you are updating your website design. Say if you want to create a simple website, but it includes complicated navigation, then you won’t be able to achieve your goals. Therefore, you need to realize what you aim for.

Setting up the final goal will not only give a clear perspective to design a website but also helps you to take your business to the next level. Thus, before you start redesigning your site, make sure every individual working on your website is familiar with the goals that your business needs to achieve.

Not coordinating with UX team

Just think for a moment, what is the primary objective of redesigning a website? If I am not wrong, then you might be looking forward to keeping users engaged and inspiring them to take action; and this can only be achieved if your new website is positive UX & SEO.

Many organizations understand the importance of user experience but do not take help from the UX team to ensure that your site is designed professionally and will surely increase customer satisfaction. Their experience will help you get the final design that will truly delight users and allow them to make a purchase.

Focusing on design over functionality

Another mistake that you might make while redesigning a website is ignoring the functionality. No matter how effective your website design looks, if your website is created with poor functionality, then you cannot expect them to stay on your site.

So, make sure, when you redesign your site, focus on its functionality. If it works better than your previous website, then you can easily retain more audience by helping them find whatever theory they are searching for. Always remember that easy navigation and smart content helps in improving your website performance and generating leads.

Ignoring Page loading time

While designing a website, many of us forget about SEO, especially page loading speed. If your website loads slowly, then there are more chances to increase your visitor’s increases, besides having an appealing look. According to the statistics, it is found that 53% of the mobile audience will leave the website if your suite loads for more than 3 seconds.

So, whenever you redesign your site, make sure each page of your website does not have any tech problems. Start finding ways that can help you boost your website page loading time. Thus, you can also take the help of SEO experts to understand that the web pages are both appealing and SEO friendly.

Not analyzing website performance

Another mistake that you might be making while designing a website is not analyzing your site. By assessing the website on a regular basis, you can understand which page is commonly loved by the audience and which needs to be updated. By assessing the website for KPIs and data analytics, you can easily know what is lagging in your current website and what things you need to consider while preparing a new site.

By auditing your site, you can instantly identify the errors and solve the issues. Thus, try making a habit of checking the website regularly, as metrics can do wonders when it comes to redesigning a website.

Not focusing on content

Truly said that “content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.” If your content is not appealing and educational, then having an attractive web design goes into vain. Choosing web design over content is one of the other common mistakes that are made by many developers.

Are you also making this big mistake, then it will surely recommend you to update your web design by keeping content on the top? Always prefer creating exciting content that is as per your target audience. Remember, once you start creating excellent content besides creating simple and attractive designs, you can easily build a website that stands out from the rest.

Setting unrealistic redesign budget

Last but not least, the mistake that many designers make while revamping a website is not setting enough budget. If you think that without spending money, you can get outstanding results, then it is next to impossible.

If you want to design a website that ranks higher on Google, then you set a realistic budget. By spending little bucks, you can expect to get a site that directly represents your brand. So, make sure your investments are made in the best possible way.

Prefer reading- How to Recognize the Quality of Website Design?

In a Crux

In today’s era, having an alluring and error-free website design is as important as eating food. Hopefully, by keeping the above mistakes in mind, you can ensure that your next website can help you convert more leads and generate revenue.

So, now you are ready to get started with your website redesign. But still, if you have any concerns, do share in the comments below.

Happy designing! 

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Sanju June 9, 2021 0 Comments

In 10 Easy Steps, Learn How to Create a WordPress Blog

Starting a blog can be pretty daunting for beginners. What most people struggle to understand is the step-by-step of how it’s done. You come across technicalities that you’ve probably just heard for the first time. But don’t fret; this article aims to lift some of the weight off your shoulders.

Why WordPress Blogging?

WordPress is one of the most prominent Content Management Systems (CMS) today. It’s flexible and easy to use. People with different levels of knowledge regarding technical aspects of blogging can use this efficiently and to their advantage. You don’t necessarily have to be a technical blogging expert. WordPress website building might seem complex, but you can still build a fantastic blog with the basics.

10 Step-by-Step WordPress Blog Creation

Even though WordPress is considered one of the most accessible platforms to build a blog, it might still be complicated for newbies to work on, which is understandable. Here’s our guide to creating your first WordPress blog, and it just features ten simple steps!

1. Get a Hosting Plan and Register a Domain Name

To make use of a host, you have to choose WordPress.org. Unlike WordPress.com, it’s self-hosted and paid, which means it has more custom features and site control to maximize your blogging efforts.

Your hosting provider will store site files on the server so users can access your website. Web hosts also help with inconsistent maintenance of the site’s security, updates, and backups. What’s great about them is that they can handle many technical tasks for you. This is especially helpful for beginners.

Here are some top WordPress hosting providers we can recommend for you to check out:

  • WP Engine
    • Pros: a WordPress managed hosting plan, excellent uptime and speed, free SSL, staging areas for plugins and themes
    • Cons: can be expensive, additional fees for exceeding visitors and storage
  • BlueHost
    • Pros: best cost value, officially recommended by WordPress, 24/7 customer service, one-click easy setup, SSL, excellent uptime
    • Cons: no monthly payment option; the cheapest plan doesn’t include free site migration
  • SiteGround
    • Pros: recommended by WordPress, 24/7 support, Google cloud servers, free SSL, good uptime and speed, free file transfer, free email accounts, offers location-specific hosting
    • Cons: expensive
  • HostGator
    • Pros: one-click setup, free SSL, free domain name, good uptime and speed, unlimited bandwidth, 24/7 support, suitable for small businesses
    • Cons: High cost for a renewal
  • InMotion
    • Pros: 24/7 support, unlimited bandwidth, and emails
    • Cons: needs uptime improvement

To register a domain name, you have two options: register under the same host provider or opt for a DNS (domain name server) registrar. Either way, there’s only one procedure. You’ll search for a domain name, and the registrar tells you its availability, cost, or variations if the name is already taken.

2. Install WordPress

Once you’ve selected a hosting plan, WordPress installation is next. The installation varies on the plan. If it is a managed WordPress hosting, you are no longer required to install WordPress. For other web-hosting providers, you’ll have to download and install the platform manually.

Regardless of the installation method, you will need to add a domain name and create your admin credentials as part of the process. Don’t worry about technicalities because each plan has its own installation guide!

After successful installation, you will also see the dashboard, where you can find all the tools you need to modify, set up, and update your WordPress blog. Make sure to familiarize yourself with it. 

3. Choose A Site Design

Think about how you would want your site to look like. If you’re unsure, you can look for ideas on blogs you enjoy reading or blogs from the same niche. Remember to consider the type of blog you’re working on and ensure it matches the look of your site, too.

After deciding on a layout for your blog, you can start choosing from WordPress themes. From the dashboard, go to Appearance. Choose Themes > Install Themes > Search. WordPress offers many awesome themes, both free and paid. You can start with a neat and simple look because the content is still more important than the design.

4. Fill In The Basics

Located in the dashboard’s Settings > General Settings are basic blog details for you to fill out. This is essential for consistent branding. You can change the details later if needed. All you have to fill out, for now, are the Site Title and Tagline

5. Start Building Your Pages

Think about what you want to appear on the navigation bar. The number of pages depends on your classification of blog topics. An SEO-friendly tip for building pages is to use your target keywords as page titles. Suppose you wish to write something about tips on Amazon suspension appeal. You can set a page titled Amazon Suspension that will contain blogs related to that topic.

To add a page, go to the dashboard and select Pages > Add New.

6. Set Up Your Homepage

To start with the setup, go to the dashboard and select Settings > Reading. Setting up the homepage comes in two options:

I want the homepage separated from the blog page. This setup is typical for general business sites. Ensure you’ve already created a homepage from step 5. From Reading, select the Static Page option. Choose your created homepage for the Homepage setting and your created blog/posts page for the Posts Page setting.

I want the blog page to be the homepage. For websites that focus solely on producing blogs, you can set the blog page as the default front page. From Reading, select Your Latest Posts.

7. Build the Navigation and Widgets

Organize the buttons which lead users to the correct pages. From the dashboard, select Appearance > Menus. This function allows you to choose what pages should appear on the navigation bar and organize them in your preferred order. The navigation menu varies according to the theme, but they all have the same procedure.

For widgets, select Appearance > Widgets. Build and fill your sidebars with handy widgets: social media icons, testimonials rotator, RSS feed, grouped monthly archives, recent posts widgets, and more.

8. Add Plug-Ins for Enhancement

Plugins expand the functionality of your blog site. What’s good about this is that the essential plugins to install are free! Find Plugins from the dashboard and start exploring the different categories.

What we recommend for starters are the following:

  • Yoast SEO – This plugin is an excellent optimizing tool. They are sections located at the bottom of your blog posts with content recommendations to get you optimized for search engines. 
  • Jetpack – Jetpack is a security plugin. It is essential to protect your blog and get notified of any suspicious activities.
  • XML Sitemap Generator – A highly recommended tool for a neat site structure and easier indexing. You will need this to utilize the webmaster tools properly.

9. Set Up Essential Google Tools

It would be best if you do a little SEO work to start monitoring your blog’s performance. When it comes to site performance, Google Analytics is a top recommended tool. It has everything you need for site monitoring and valuable insights. Beginners can also easily catch up to how this tool works!

We also recommend the Google Webmaster Tool (Google Search Console). The primary purpose of this tool is to ensure that search engines properly index your blog. Without this, you might start to wonder why your pages don’t appear in the search results. The tool also includes other features that help improve the website.

10. Create Your First Blog!

Congratulations on reaching the final step! You are now fully prepared to use WordPress blogging to your heart’s content. To start writing, go to the dashboard, select Posts > Add New.

A blog post contains blocks that you can organize to make a proper structure. The post settings are located on the right side: publishing settings, categories, tags, post visibility, image settings, URL slugs, post excerpt, and post preview.

Final Word

Creating a WordPress blog might seem overwhelming at first, but once you figure out your way around it, you’ll realize just how easy it is to use.

To prevent yourself from information overload, don’t stray away from what’s most important here: the content. A visually appealing and user-friendly blog, indeed, gets users to stay and explore, but the content, especially the keywords you employ, is what gets them to click on your blog in the first place. Ensure that your content is optimized and the entire website looks decent enough for your visitors. We wish you a happy blogging experience!

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Sanju June 8, 2021 0 Comments

How To Improve On-Page SEO for Your Small Business

Looking for ways to improve your on-page SEO for your small business?

There are many elements that go into your site’s ranking, so what is the best formula?

Although there is no precise formula to increase your site ranking, Google tells us some influential factors to get to the top of the search results page.

Here we’ll dive into some tips that you can use right away to boost your dental on-page SEO.

What is SEO?

First, let’s discuss what SEO is.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the process of enhancing the quality and amount of traffic to your website from a search engine.

How it works is a user type into Google’s search engine bar. Google will then use its site crawlers to sort through and find the most relevant webpage. In just a matter of seconds, Google will then take the user to a search engine results page (SERP) that will list all of Google’s relevant findings for the user’s search query.

Therefore, having your webpage optimized to what Google is looking for will help your site gain more relevant traffic. 

SEO vs. Google Ads

SEO and Google Ads are not the same, but they go hand-in-hand.

Google Ads are advertisements that display on a search engine results page for a user’s search query.

These advertisements will be on the top of the search results list. Google Ads are distinguished by the word “Ad” in bold at the top left corner of the advertisement.

Google Ads complement an SEO strategy well because it helps increase brand awareness and site traffic.

For more information on how to run Google Ads for your dentistry business, check this guide out.

Benefits of SEO

SEO is a great strategy to bring in more organic site traffic and clicks.

An advantage to using search engine optimization strategies is that you can better measure and improve your traffic. Over time, you will see that your site traffic has more users interested in booking appointments at your dental clinic.

Another benefit is that you can better picture how your competitors are performing and identify how they rank compared to you. To do this, great tools such as Ubersuggest provide an analysis of your’s and your competitors’ sites.

Building up your site ranking takes a little time. So, don’t be discouraged if your site does not gain exponential growth in just a month. Keep working on it! 

What is Keyword Ranking?

Why is keyword ranking essential to search engine optimization?

To start with, keywords are the search queries that people type into Google’s search bar. 

The searcher’s intent in using a search engine is to find a solution to their question. As discussed earlier, Google offers a list of potential solutions in just seconds.

Because many sites use the exact keywords, Google has a keyword ranking to show only the most relevant and valuable information to the user.

Therefore, it is vital to choose the right keywords so that your site has a better chance of ranking higher on the search results page. 

You can use Semrush or Soovle to brainstorm and view metrics of potential keywords before implementing them into your SEO strategy.

Where to Put Your Keywords

Next, we will discuss where to put your keywords.

Keywords are used for on-page search engine optimization. An alternate name for this is on-site SEO.

It is crucial to optimize your keyword placement within your dentist webpage. Doing so will help both Google and users better identify the relevancy of your site. Then, you can increase your chances of obtaining a higher ranking on the search results page.

Some of the prominent locations to implement them are within your:

  • Title
  • Content
  • Image
  • URL


Incorporating your keywords into your title and headings is a great place to start.

Placing keywords in these places will help Google and users identify the main idea of your content. From there, they can determine whether or not your dental site provides the answer or value that the user’s search query asks for.

Remember, Google uses site crawlers to quickly sift through millions of websites for the user’s search query solution.

So, having your keywords within your title and headings will help Google understand your content, which will increase the likelihood of displaying your webpage at the top of the search results page.

Additionally, you should create a title that is eye-catching but not exaggerated. Again, putting yourself in the perspective of the user can help dictate the difference. Just think, given x title, would you click on this site?

For instance, your keyword is dental braces, then your title for your blog could be:

          Benefits of Getting Dental Braces

Also, when writing blogs for your dentistry, website building platforms such as WordPress will use “Heading 1” as your title.


An important area to place your keywords in is within the content for your dental site.

You should only be writing content on keywords that people are searching for, called searcher intent. There is no point in providing information that not a lot of people are looking for.   

Therefore, it is vital to identify searcher intent before implementing any keywords for your dental campaign. A few standard approaches are:

  1. Type your keyword ideas into the Google search bar and see what kind of content shows up.
  • On the search engine results page, you can look at Google’s autosuggestions to see what other keywords people commonly search for.
  • Asking people around you can help generate keyword and content ideas. Getting into the perspective of what prospective customers would search for will be crucial for a successful dental SEO.

Within your content, it will be crucial to incorporate headings to signify your blog’s main ideas.

Remember, Google uses site crawlers to view your content, so having a blog structured by headings will help them quickly understand what your site is about.

Having a structured blog will also help users quickly find the information that they are looking for from your content. In addition, clear information can be an influential factor when it comes to clients booking appointments.

Additionally, be sure to incorporate your keywords within your content. For example, it is essential to have keywords in paragraphs because it is clear that you are talking about the words or phrases that the user is searching for. 

Side note: On keyword research tools, you can view the number of times a keyword is used within a site’s page. Or, you can also use Control+F to see how many times a page used certain words or phrases.


Within your images, you should include your keywords within the alternative text tags.

It is essential to utilize this feature on your website because it helps with search engine optimization.

In your alt text tag, you want to include your keywords and what the image is showing. For instance, let’s say your keyword is dental braces. So, for this picture below, you can say “dental braces retainers” for the alt text tag. 

An essential factor to take into consideration is the image file size. If the image is too large, then it can affect your dental site’s loading time.


Including your keywords within your URL is another important location.

Two main factors to consider when creating a URL for your webpage are to be: short and incorporate your targeted keywords.

Through this, users can easily reference back to your website. People can also know that clicking on your site link will lead them to the correct landing page with the information they are looking for. 

An example could be, for the keyword dental braces and the title is “Benefits to Getting Dental Braces,” then your URL can look like this:


Other Important Factors

Another critical factor to implement is to pay attention to the customer experience that your site provides.

Customer Experience

It is important to offer users a great customer experience on your site. The main factors include user-friendliness, load time, and relevancy.

User-friendliness is an essential element of a great site experience. If a site is too difficult to navigate, then chances are users will feel less motivated to stay on your site.

Load time is another factor that influences a user’s decision to stay on your webpage. If the time it takes to load your site is too long, users will go back to the search results page. The user’s time spent on your site also influences your site ranking as well. Therefore, this will be important to consider for your orthodontist SEO. 

Your landing page that you direct users to must answer the user’s question. If your content is not relevant and does not answer anyone’s question, your site will rank lower.


Overall, you can improve on-page SEO for your dental clinic by incorporating these essential factors into your webpage. A key success factor in SEO strategy is researching what people are looking for and then choosing the right keywords for better optimization.

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Sanju June 7, 2021 0 Comments

How to Make My Own Video Calling App Using Flutter?

Flutter, Flutter, Flutter! Flutter is everywhere now after Twitter announced or declared it as the best and recommended tools for video chat and streaming applications development. Flutter has become a buzzword all over the internet and undoubtedly, it’s long listing features have already taken the world by storm and everyone has started using Flutter to develop unexpected applications and software applications. There are around 2 million applications registered in the play store, and that’s the witness of unexceptional use of flutter, but how to develop a streaming video application with Flutter.

Those days are gone when you have to sit, plan and think for long hours about programming languages that would permit you to create applications with multiple operating platforms.

With the launch of Google’s Flutter, you don’t have to spend any sleepless nights studying, documenting critical programming and frameworks. Application development process can’t be easy at all, but flutter has proved it wrong and app development has become simpler with automated and advanced development & functionality kit integrated with multiple widgets.

So, if you are passionate about flutter and planning to use it for app development, as a startup or developer, you should have major concerns:

  • Initially, if you choose native iOS or an android application for development, it will cost you a lot.
  • Secondly, how to capture the wider segment of the market?

While each phase of development requires specific skills, therefore, the most common answer that you will get from a software developer is to choose swift for iOS & Kotlin for Android.

But the simple answer for both of these questions is flutter.

Origin of Flutter

Flutter is a. Effectively launched SDK by Google, allowing developers to build applications for iOS and Android applying a single code. Unlike other development solutions, flutter comes with full pack SDK solutions where everything developers can get to create cross-platform applications. From an effective rendering engine, ready-made widgets to testing & integrating APIs, flutter offers everything you need.

Before jumping into the process of streaming video applications development using flutter, let’s have a look at some quick highlights of flutter which makes it more demanding:

  • After flutter launch since 2017, flutter has been used by 45% of developers from all across the globe and has effectively secured its position as the second most used and topmost demanding framework to develop cross platform applications.
  • Dart is the flutter’s subject oriented programming language which uses advanced techniques and compiling techniques into native code to add up a noticeable speed to your project.
  • Flutter works on ready-made and custom widgets for fast UI coding to enable you to do any level of customization.
  • Flutter also allows developers to perform high level development activities and elevate project’s productivity to complete prototyping and setting KPIs with much programming knowledge.
  • You can effortlessly port your application and migrate it from any platform to flutter.

Creating Video Streaming Applications with Flutter Seamlessly

Flutter is an easy to use programming language which allows you to dig deeper into the core mechanisms of development and get the work done effortlessly. So, at the time of writing, we have tried to keep our focus on both novice and experts, so that it could be simple & relevant to understand for everyone.

This article will help you to take a closer look at flutter development for android and iOS platforms. But, to accomplish this, you will require Android Studio for Android and XCode platform for iOS apps.

Let’s get started with the simple steps:

Step 1: Install Android Studio

Android studio offers an effective and integrated IDE experience for flutter development projects. AS IDE provides you with effective features like syntax highlighting, debuggers, code completion, etc. for a better text editing experience.

  • For effortless android application development, excerpts are advised to use android studio, but alternatively, the flutter plugin IntelliJ can be used.
  • Flutter Plugin IntelliJ allows you to opt for two options –

In case, if you are using both Android Studio and IntelliJ, make sure that you restart the IDE to get the recently activated latest version plugins. This will help you to start your work with stable versions of IDEs.

Step 2: Installing the Flutter and DART Plugins

Starting new projects with the help of flutter needs installment of Flutter dart plugins efficiently.

  • Start with Android Studio
  • Open Plugin Preferences (On macOS< preferences < plugins, & on Windows & Linux < File < Settings < Plugins).
  • Configure plugins as of V3.6.3.0 or later version by opening plugin preferences.
  • Install Dart Flutter plugins by browsing repositories, & click restart when prompted.

With this, now you can build a new project using flutter: File < New < New Flutter project

Step 3: Create a Flutter Project

To create a new flutter project, you need to select the flutter application, then start a new flutter in Android studio. After clicking on flutter application, you will be required to offer a Flutter SDK path.

Finally, now you have to set a domain name for the package, it is also necessary to use a unique name for the package, if you don’t have any domain, use github<your login, 7 leave the other options set to default values and confirm by clicking on finish option.

Step 4: Run the Build: Use Flutter Doctor

To ensure your app is correctly set up in the flutter environment, it is essential to open the terminal (Alt + F12 in Android Studio), & set up flutter doctor commands.

  • Start testing via android

In case you are using the device yourself, make sure it must be connected to a USB cable and leave the debugging part enabled. In case of using android Emulator, you will be required to create a virtual device.

For this purpose, open the AVD manager, use the tool bar and press the Ctrl Alt + F12. Leave the default setting as it is on the screen. Now you can run the app by using the desired device. Press the “Shift + F10” button to run the application.

  • Testing an Application on iOS

While testing the application on an app on iOS simulator, you need to first use the drop down device menu. XCode installer will help to install missing components promptly from the app.

But, things can be a bit complicated to test in case of a physical iOS device. While the device is connected via a USB cable and unlocked, you require to first open the iOS module in Xcode.

Once, you open the XCode, then next you can go to the signing and capabilities settings of the app. Sign in with your iOS id and close the window after provisioning profile generation. Once the signing in configuration is complete, you can try to run your app from the android studio.

While testing the app on iOS devices, make sure, you could run flutter applications using personal team provisioning devices running on iOS 13.3.1. Since testing on iOS devices is quite complicated, therefore it is necessary to hire app developers with all expertise and knowledge.


With this quick guide, you may have understood how Flutter has made the developer process of the technical team so easier, and simpler. Developing an app with flutter still needs proper development and further technical commands. Where flutter can offer productivity in the development process, consulting an expert team can increase the chances of success in the app development project.

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Sanju June 3, 2021 0 Comments
ERP Enterprise resources planning system software business technology.

How Much Does ERP Software Cost: Ready-Made vs Custom Solutions

Different companies have varying needs for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. With ERP solutions, they can streamline various processes like human resource management, sales, inventory, marketing, finance and resources. ERP is also important to promote communication and transparency between various departments and exchange information more efficiently.

Despite all aforementioned benefits of using an ERP software, not every company can afford it. Not to mention, the cost of an ERP software depends on the requirements of a company, which means that a business owner can go for a cheaper software but he might have to compromise on some functionality.

In this blog, we will be focusing on who needs an ERP software and what are its different types available in the market. By the end, you will have a more precise idea about how much the software is going to cost you and why you need it.

Who Needs an ERP Software?

The requirement for an ERP software cannot be decided by the size of a company. In various scenarios, the software would be more beneficial for a startup than a large-scale business and vice-versa. The following factors will help you decide whether you are in need of an ERP software or are good without it.

1. You Value Business Data

From human resources to sales, all important information can be stored and accessed from an ERP software. The business owner can access this data at will and use it for processes like performance evaluation, resource planning and team management.

2. Organizational Problems Reflect in your Customer Experience

Slow communication, inefficient transfer of files and poor coordination amongst departments slows down the overall workflow of a company. To keep the business on track, it is essential to improve this coordination. ERP software performs various functions to smoothen the intra business discrepancies and ensure business problems have the minimum impact on the customer experience.

3. You Want to Reduce the Overhead Costs

Centralizing and integrating various functions on a single software reduces the overhead costs. Different software requires a different and long overboarding process, some might even be really expensive. By using ERP software, you can keep all your employees on the same pace and reduce overhead training costs.

4. You Want to Eliminate Human Error

Manual execution of important processes like inventory tracking and preparing purchase orders leaves scope for human error, which is often only detected after the damage has been done. When automated with an ERP software, the chances for human error decrease significantly.

Different Types of ERP Software

If you fall under the category who finds itself requiring an ERP software, you’d also like to know which ERP serves your purpose the best. While the ERP software types that we are going to discuss below do differ in price and deployment time, they both have their specific benefits:

Readymade ERP Software

Readymade ERP software is the off-the-shelf software that comes with all essential features. Some ready-made software are also customizable, however, their scope of customization often depends on the terms and conditions of the vendor. They are more recommended to the entrepreneurs who require minimum to no customizations. A strong downside to ready-made ERP software is that they may fail to resolve your certain problems.

Pros of Readymade ERP Software

  • Fastest to deployment
  • Come with all necessary features
  • Available as both one-time software and SaaS
  • Save time on planning and development
  • Come with proper guides and documentation
  • Software updates are available in future
  • Available at a fixed price

Cons of Readymade ERP Software

  • Are developed to meet the general requirements of all entrepreneur
  • Less scope of customization
  • Can be only integrated with selected third party software
  • Can fail to meet resolve certain problems
  • Updates can be expensive
  • Give no competitive advantage to the business. They are an ERP software used by thousands of brands

Custom ERP Software

Custom ERP software is tailored to meet the unique requirements of a business. Sometimes, the custom ERP solution is developed from a minimum viable product (MVP) or scratch developed. Custom ERP gives business owners the choice to select the technology stack and set of features. The cost of custom ERP software mainly depends on these features and the level of customization you require.

Pros of Custom ERP Software

  • Tailored as per your business requirements
  • Made to resolve specific and unique business problems
  • Basic functions, such as accounting and inventory are enhanced to suit your business
  • Are more secure than readymade ERP software
  • On-boarding becomes easy as the business owner is often an active participant of the development
  • Price depends on the selected set of features
  • Can be integrated with a wide range of software

Cons of Custom ERP Software

  • Development requires proper planning and is also time consuming
  • There are no software updates
  • Isn’t available as SaaS
  • Help and support options are limited to the software developer

Determining the Cost of ERP Software

Readymade  ERP Software Cost Estimation

The cost of readymade solutions is fixed. This means you can easily browse the internet to find a solution that fits under your budget. The average cost of readymade ERP software ranges between $1,000 – $10,000. SaaS readymade solutions are cheaper but as they come with recurrent costs, they are not so cost effective.

Some SaaS ERP providers also charge business owners as per the number of employees. For example, $50 per month per employee. If you have 20 employees, this means your ERP software will cost you $1000 per month. For this reason, readymade solutions are mostly used by small and mid-size businesses.

Custom ERP Software Cost Estimation

The cost for custom ERP development depends on the selected technology and features. This is because difficult programming languages and complex features require expert developers, who cost more to the software development company. However, you can either get a fixed ballwork for the custom ERP solution or pay at hourly rates. The price formula for the later is (hourly rate * number of developers) + taxes.

Via the quotation based pricing, custom ERP solution should cost you around $3,000-15,000. By hourly development, a junior developer will cost you $25-40 per hour, a senior will cost $40-80 and a dedicated project manager will be approx $50-$100 per hour.

Note: The aforementioned figures are fair estimates based on current market rates and the actual development cost may vary.

How to Build a Custom ERP?

There are two methods to build a custom ERP. One is waterfall development and the other is agile development.

In waterfall development, all requirements are gathered before the actual development process and any changes during the development process require the team to begin the entire development process from square one. On the other hand, agile development focuses on iterative development. It includes various development sprints that allow for regathering of requirements and leave scope for mid-development changes.

For ERP development, we advise you to opt  for agile methodologies, which resolve the problem of feature selection. The development team can begin the development process with base requirements and add on features at a later stage.

Each sprint of agile development process includes the following stages:

Preparation of the Scope of Work

Scope of work is the initial planning of every sprint. It defines the problem and features required to solve them. The scope of work developed by the development team after gathering requirements from the business owner and thoroughly analysing them.


The planning stage involves the preparation of the backlog and distribution of responsibilities. The turnaround time for the completion of the first sprint is also decided in this stage. A proper timeline and chart showing every member’s workload and bandwidth is made.


In the development stage, the programming of the source code takes place according to the accepted terms. In the first iteration, only the bare minimum features are developed and tested. In later stages, incremental progress takes place till the software becomes fully functional to meet the business owner’s requirements.

Testing and QA

Final testing and quality assurance rounds ensure that all bugs and defects that were undetected in the previous testing stages are removed from the software. There can be multiple rounds of testing and QA depending on required changes.


The documentation of the software and other handovers are prepared once the end-product is ready for deployment. 


In the deployment stage, the end-product is finally deployed on the company’s server and initial support is provided to help the company keep the software useful.

What are the Key Features of an ERP Software?

Entrepreneurs interested in custom ERP software are required to select a feature set. Below is the list of most demanded features in an ERP software:

Accounting: Accurate and detailed accounting via ERP software provides greater control to companies over their resources. It helps them track expenditure and execute processes like invoicing, general ledger, accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR). Some ERP software are also integrated with budgeting and forecasting features.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Features like a common contact center, lead management, contact management and campaign management assist in CRM. With ERP software, businesses can also keep a track on order history and send important reminders.

Project Management: Project management features that are common in most ERP software are risk management, project reporting, project budgeting, task allocation, correspondence tracking and design.

Asset Management: Features like asset planning, realization, maintenance scheduling, contracting, GIS location tracking and more help a company monitor their assets’ performance.

Supply Chain Management: (SCM): ERP software can also keep tabs on the company’s inventory, demands, distributors, suppliers and purchase orders.  It can also automate several of these processes for enhanced supply chain management.

Reporting: Employee reporting is required to update the stakeholders of their respective projects. They help in decision making and evaluating work performance.

Manufacturing: Features like sourcing of raw materials, visual planning, production monitoring, workload scheduling, product configuration and quality management assist companies in streamlining their manufacturing process.

Human Resource Management: HR tools and features like attendance, payroll, expense management, policy management, compensation management and timekeeping are also in high-demand in ERPs.

Sales and Marketing: An ERP software can have different marketing modules and integrations. To reach more customers, businesses can also schedule and execute campaigns on ERP software. They can also keep an account of all customers, automate monthly sales reports, send sales invoices, management return requests and track expenses on every lead.

Data Analysis: For business growth, ERP software can convert real-time collected data into actionable insights, such as sales reports, marketing reports, expenses reports,  performance reports, comparison reports and more.

How to Choose the Right ERP Company for Your Business?

For getting a quality ERP software, you will need to hire experts who can understand your requirements and execute them efficiently. Without understanding and carrying out strategic development, a company is highly unlikely to meet your expectations or even deliver the software within the turnaround time.

To find an ERP company who can actually develop a reliable software for your company, check out the following points:

1.  Search on Critic Websites

Several entrepreneurs do the mistake of finding experts on freelancing marketplaces. Those marketplaces are so easy to enter that inexperienced firms can also portray them as industrial experts. However, if you do want an affordable ERP software development company, then begin your search on websites like Clutch and GoodFirms. These websites regularly evaluate software development companies to save you the job.

2.  Discuss your Requirements with the Company

You may like several companies while conducting your search. To sort them out, contact their sales experts one by one and discuss your business requirements. Ask for a ballpark estimate and clear your doubts. If they can provide you with a case study or portfolio, you can evaluate their work quality more efficiently.

3.  Compare your Options

After receiving price quotations, you can compare different ERP development companies with each other. Consider their work experience, turnaround times, number of allocated developers and payment options for an objective comparison. Feel free to reach back to a company to ask a question or clear any doubts.

4.  Customer Support

Lastly, if you get stuck between two or more companies, review their available customer support options to make a trustworthy decision. Some companies provide free technical support for a limited time of period and also offer omni-channel customer support options. These are the companies you’d want to select for the development of your ERP software.


ERP software has become a backbone powering various functions in hundreds of companies. They help you reduce costs and track resources. If you truly require ERP software for your business, evaluate quality with the price. Otherwise, custom ERP software is always a more reliable option than readymade. With the information provided above, you can confidently opt for custom ERP development.

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Sanju June 2, 2021 0 Comments

Essential eCommerce Mobile App Features

Ecommerce is witnessing a rapid boom after the emergence of Covid-19. The completion is on the rise, and more and more business is coming to the surface to become the favorite choice of users. To beat the competition and emerge as a unique brand, businesses need to consider including features that make them the best choice.

If you are planning to build a mobile app, make sure you convey your concern to the mobile app development company you are working with. These are some of the essential features you should consider adding to your eCommerce mobile app.

Quick Registration Process

A quick registration process is imperative to give a pleasant start to the customer journey. You hook your customer in a one-go. If they find the registration process hassle-free and quick, they make a good first impression of your app.

Alternatively, if the registration process takes a long time to get the process done, it works as a major turn-off for users. There are chances that they get deviated or leave in the middle of the process. Ideally, ensure a hassle-free, simple and short signup process to achieve higher conversions. A convenient and practical way to quicken the signup process is to enable Google or other social network accounts for the signup process.

Easy Navigation & Right Product Categorization

Since mobile screens are smaller as compared to the desktop, users want a simplified solution to navigate through the buying journey pain lessly. For this, you need to offer users easy navigation. Make sure you sort and categorize products in an easily findable way. If people can find the products or services based on categorization, they experience an effortless journey while buying from your eCommerce app.

Multiple Payment Options

Multiple payment options ensure a hassle-free checkout for different kinds of people using the platform. Whereas, if users do not find the preferred mode of payment in your eCommerce app, they are more likely to abandon the cart. So, you can improve the cart abandonment rate by simply providing multiple payment options, including e-wallets.

Facilitating multiple payment methods is one of the essential eCommerce app features to decrease the cart abandonment rate.

Moreover, the checkout process must be secure and simple so that people easily get through it.

Push Notifications

Push Notifications are an essential part of any mobile application. Mobile app developers and business owners take these features as an add-on to the mobile app benefits. It is an easy way to keep users informed and grab their attention with a single notification alert. Push notifications can heavily increase sales if you craft them well to entice your mobile app users.

Moreover, push notifications can be used to inform about fresh arrivals, discounts, deals, or simply about an unattended item in the cart. It’s necessary to get off from traditional promotional phrases and formulate an appealing way to catch users’ attention and direct them to the app.

Effective Feedback System

An effective feedback system is mandatory to cater to user remarks, complaints, and suggestions. It adds value to your brand image and keeps users loyal to your company.

The lack of an effective feedback system may cost a lot for an eCommerce business, whether a mobile app or a website. When customers are unable to share their complaints directly with the company, they are likely to share with people around them. To avoid the bad image of your company among your potential buyers, make sure you offer an effective feedback system in your eCommerce mobile app.

Effective Customer Support

Ensure an active and effective customer support system for your app audience. Your e-commerce app user might frequently need to contact a customer support person to get their concerns resolved.

Enabling mobile users to quickly get in touch and receive the needed help from your customer support can rapidly increase the sales growth for your eCommerce mobile app. Effective customer support and quick responses for customer queries not only improve sales but make customers feel valued.

Customer Experience Becomes Imperative

The app UI and UX must be well designed to appeal to users to keep using the app and complete the shopping. A bad UI/UX design can make users leave shopping during the process. If users come across a glitch or lag while using the app, there are high chances that they get frustrated and leave the app without completing the shopping. Adding features like searchability, autocomplete suggestions, and smooth navigation can enhance the user experience and leads them to check out seamlessly.


personalization for recommending suitable suggestions to the app users can improve sales for your eCommerce app. If you effectively recommend a personalized list of products, it can heavily impact your business growth. It also improves user satisfaction with your brand. 

Order Summary and Status

Another feature that makes it easy and organized the whole customer journey is the order summary and shopping status. It makes users satisfied when they are well-informed about the process and details. More so, when users can easily track the order status, they remain stress-free about the delivery.

To enhance customer experience and overall journey, consumers need to understand and consider order tracking and summary as an essential feature of an eCommerce mobile app. Also, if there are delays or issues in the delivery, they get notified and stay aware of the process. This decreases the chances of customer dissatisfaction due to inconveniences or delays in the shipment. In short, order summary, status, and tracking options keep users informed and satisfied.

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Sanju May 31, 2021 0 Comments

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Chatbot

By Kristina Lauren

Almost everything is becoming automated these days in marketing, but that’s not a bad thing Automation has made businesses more efficient and their information systems more accurate—and this is especially true when it comes to chatbots.

I’m sure you’ve encountered a chatbot at some point in your experience as a customer. When you land on a website, there’s usually some robot icon on the bottom with a “How can I help you message?” peeking out. Or sometimes they’re even programmed to make some kind of movement to catch your attention. Once you click on it, before you know it, you’re having a conversation—with a computer.

Many business owners are skeptical about leaving communication to an AI, but I’m going to break down for you how using chatbots as a part of your marketing strategy is highly beneficial for both customers and businesses.


“Where are you located?”, “How much does it cost?”, “How long does shipping take?”—these are just a few, basic questions 99% of businesses get from customers. While it can never hurt to invest in creating a substantial FAQ page, it just isn’t very interactive—but a chatbot is.

A chatbot would allow your customers to get their questions answered and get them answered quickly. All they would have to do is type in a question and your bot would be programmed with an answer, or it could even direct them to a certain page on your website.

Using a chatbot in this way could also make things easier on your team. Instead of visitors emailing you to ask simple questions, they would get these answers through your bot. This means you and your team can cut down on the number of times you have to answer the same 10 questions, and it means your customers don’t have to wait for hours or even days for a response.


Chatbots can also make the process of setting up appointments easier. Your customer base may be comprised of an older demographic who simply isn’t very tech-savvy—and that’s okay! But if you know that, making things easier for them should be your #1 priority. Having a bot that prompts them to engage on the landing page will save them the frustration of trying to navigate to the right page. And even if your target audience is pretty tech-savvy, if your brand primarily offers appointments as its main way of doing business then you still wouldn’t want visitors to have to click through multiple buttons to get to the booking page, you’d want to point them directly to where you want them to go.


When you run an e-commerce business, getting your customers to the final step of checking out is make-or-break, which is why a chatbot could be of use.

Let’s say Customer Jane wants a pair of brown leather boots, but instead of her having to filter down for results in the boots section, she could just type “brown leather boots”. The bot would then give her a few recommendations, which she could browse through and further filter down if need be through the chat. If Customer Jane likes what she sees, your bot could take her further down the sales funnel and actually have her checkout within the chatbot! Additionally, she may be more likely to complete her purchase because she’s being walked through the process and actively engaging with someone—even if this someone is just a bot.

Sales Funnel Start Point

While you probably have flashy buttons on your landing page that say “Sign Up Now” or “Schedule a Call”, a chatbot may be a more proactive way to catch a potential customer’s attention. You can easily integrate a chatbot into your website and make it the first line of communication for your customers on your landing page.

Visitors will see the bot usually on the bottom right corner of the page, prompting them to click on it and ask any questions they may have. These chatbot prompts are harder to ignore than a stationery button on your site, but not as intrusive as a popup suddenly showing up in the middle of your customers screen asking them to subscribe.

Depending on the size of your business, you may also have several different nurturing campaigns. However, it could be more efficient for you to mix things up. Instead of using only email to deliver your campaigns, you could implement a chatbot. This might help you with gathering more information for building your buyer personas. For example, it could help you see what kind of customer is most engaged with your service and the questions they’re asking. As far as customer service, a chatbot would help you to avoid leaving your leads and customers hanging if they try to respond to a no-reply email.

Easier alternative to form fills

How many times have you groaned when you realized you’d have to fill out some long form just to get more info about a product? And I bet you’ve also gotten irritated when the form wouldn’t submit because of a petty little mistake. But it doesn’t have to be this way for your customers.

Integrating a chatbot would make the process much more casual and intuitive. Your bot would ask these questions much like a customer service rep would on the phone or in-person and guide the customer through the questions conversationally. Handling your form fills in this way also allows your customer to pick up from where they left off and lowers the chances of them abandoning your questions, like they can easily do with a regular form.

Let’s be clear, though—chatbots shouldn’t be used as a complete substitute for good ‘ol fashioned, human customer service. Even with the world moving towards automation at a crazy pace, making sure your customers can talk to real people will always set a great company apart from the rest. But making the most of your team’s time and not wasting your customers’ time is just as important. A marketing strategy with a mix of diverse, highly effective tactics is what makes your brand shine in the end, and adding a chatbot to that mix just might be a game-changer for your business.

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Sanju May 28, 2021 0 Comments

Best Keyword Research Tools for SEO in 2021

With more than 90% of all online experiences starting with a search engine, the SEO industry is now worth more than 80 billion dollars. Businesses worldwide are turning to SEO affiliate programs to widen their reach and make more money. Studies have shown that growing businesses in the country invest around $5000 each month on SEO.

This means that there is a huge demand for SEO products and services. If you are looking for more web traffic, choosing the best SEO affiliate program for keyword analytics is the best place to start. Let’s discuss the top B2B SEO tools in 2021.

How Do SEO Affiliate Programs Work

Are you looking to attract more traffic to your website? Well, SEO affiliate programs might be the solution you need. These programs allow you to dominate the local and overseas searches without spending an arm and a leg on SEO.

You will never have to worry about taxing business processes such as marketing when you leverage the power of SEO affiliate programs. The best SEO affiliate program features practical tools to help your business rank on the first page of search engines.

By ranking on the first page of search engines, your business will be more exposed to potential clients. When these clients visit your website, the chances are that they will be tempted to purchase your products or services.

Benefits of Using SEO Affiliate Programs

If you haven’t started using SEO affiliate programs, you miss out on a great way of staying ahead of keyword research as you concentrate on your other endeavors. Of course, SEO affiliate programs have much to offer besides keyword research. Discover the top benefits you can get from using the best keyword research tools for SEO.

More Options

SEO tools affiliate programs give you the freedom to choose what you want to market. In a market with endless options, you will have the chance to market products and services you believe in while getting affiliate commission.

No Expertise Needed

You do not require a wealth of experience to succeed in affiliate marketing. With the right attitude, dedication, and practice, you can rest easy knowing that you will be making good cash on the side in no time.

Be Your Boss

As is the case with typical extra income opportunities, affiliate marketing tools allow you to be your boss. Work when you want to and how you want to with affiliate marketing.

Our Top Keyword Research Tools for SEO in 2021

Do you want to leverage the power of keyword research for your SEO campaign? Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the 3 top keyword research tools for SEO in 2021.

1. SEMrush Affiliate Program: Best SEO Affiliate Program for Bloggers

Also known as BeRush, the Semrush affiliate program is our top pick for bloggers. It is one of the most popular SEO tools globally, with more than 5 million users. The SEMrush affiliate program allows bloggers to make 40% recurring commission on each successful sale.

Berush features 20 unique tools, including site audit, position tracking, traffic analytics, keyword analytics, backlink analysis, organic research, and brand monitoring. With plans starting from as low as $119.95 each month, you can capitalize on the power of keyword research without having to spend an arm and a leg.

Pros of BeRush Affiliate Program
  • Relatively cheap.
  • Vast marketing tools and training.
  • In-depth keyword analysis.
  • Convenient payment option.
Cons of BeRush Affiliate Program
  • New users might find it difficult to use.
  • Quite expensive.

2. AnswerThePublic

AnswerThePublic is the second keyword research tool in our list. This tool is quite different from other tools. To begin with, keywords are presented in a list. Users can also choose to download the keywords as a CSV file. AnswerThePublic is the right keyword research tool for both beginners and experienced users. The reason why this is the case is that users don’t have to register to start using the tool.

You only have to key in the keyword to discover everything you want to know. The provided results are obtained from Bing and Google auto-suggests. Click on the keyword you are interested in to learn more on Bing or Google. The results will show you the content that is ranking for the provided keyword and whether it has a snippet.

If you will not be posting content on a regular basis, it would be best to go with the free version. However, you will have to go with the pro version if you create content regularly.

AnswerThePublic Pros
  • Suitable for both novice and experienced users.
  • Easy to use.
  • In-depth keyword analysis.
  • Has a free version.
AnswerThePublic Cons
  • Pro plan can be expensive.
  • Only shows Google and Bing results.

3. Google Keyword Planner

Google keyword planner should be the go-to keyword research tools for any advertiser who wants to market on Google. The good thing with this keyword research tool is that it is free unlike other plans. However, you have to create a Google Ads account to start using this plan.

After setting up your Google ad account, you can use this tool to analyze your keywords. Google keyword planner allows you to see how many monthly searches the keyword has. Users can also discover related keywords they can use.

Google Keyword Planner Pros
  • Easy to use.
  • Comprehensive analysis.
  • Free.
  • Provides related keywords.
Google Keyword Planner Cons
  • Only shows Google results.
  • Users have to set up a Google Ad account.

4. Serpstat Affiliate Program

Serpstat affiliate program is the best SEO affiliate program for website owners who want to earn extra income for marketing affordable SEO tools. This SEO affiliate program is much cheaper than its competitors, including Ahrefs, SEMrush, and MOZ. With its pricing starting from as low as $69, you can start analyzing keywords as soon as you sign up.

Pros of Serpstat Affiliate Program
  • Comprehensive results.
  • Wide range of marketing tools.
  • Free training and marketing tools.
Cons of Serpstat Affiliate Program
  • Can be expensive.
  • Difficult to use for new users.

Key Takeaway

Using this keyword research tool will allow you to discover what clients are looking for. Using the right keywords will allow your business to dominate search engines and widen your reach. Weigh the pros and cons of each tool to choose the best according to your preferences and budget.

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Sanju May 26, 2021 0 Comments

Web App Development: Benefits and Types

Do you remember the days when web pages used to be static with some images and videos to look attractive? The concept of web app development was still a dream back then. It was around sixteen years back when Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), a set of web development techniques, brought a significant revolution creating faster, well-performing and more interactive web applications in 2005.

It might be surprising to know that although web apps are so popular today, we overlook them because of their commonness. However, we are still using them all the time. But why? Because these apps function smoothly and quickly like native apps, and you can easily access them on a web browser from any device.

Today, several renowned organizations like Facebook, Mailchimp, Basecamp, etc., have their web applications to offer their users an interactive, personalized and mesmerizing experience just like what they get from the native applications and that even directly from their web browsers. This nature of web apps makes them a sought-after choice for developers to enhance their skills and an ultimate solution to all kinds of businesses, such as e-commerce, entertainment, educational sectors, banking sectors, and much more.

If you are a business owner and looking for a tutorial to get an insight into web app development, you are in the right place. In this article, you can learn about all the aspects related to it from the primary level. So, let’s dive right into web application development.

Web app development: A brief overview

In a simple definition, web app development is the process of planning, designing, and developing a web application. A web app is like an application software that runs on remote servers, and users can access them through the website using the internet. The web development process involves both client-side and server-side programming essential for developing an application that will be accessible over the browser. The developers design a basic structure of the app, select a framework, use specific tools, insert the required programs, test them and eventually deploy the application on the server.

Web app vs Website: What’s the difference between the two?

Well, the line of difference between a web app and a website is paper-thin. However, the real difference between the two is that a website is mostly a static page that only provides information to the users that may or may not have the options to enter inputs. On the other hand, a web application is dynamic that can respond to the information users enter and allows them to perform specific tasks over the internet. In simple words, any website that enables a user to carry out an activity using the client-side components is a web app.

Web app vs Mobile app: What makes the two different from each other?

As the name suggests, mobile apps are applications developed to work on mobile devices. Mobile apps can be Native or Hybrid. Native apps are the platform-specific ones. It means an android app can not run on a device that supports iOS and vice versa. These apps are available separately in their dedicated app stores (Android apps in Google Play Store and iOS apps in Apple App Store). Although these applications offer a top-class, more personalized experience, their building cost is relatively higher than other types of apps. Also, these apps take up the storage area in the user’s device.

Hybrid apps are not platform-specific and show decent performance too, but they also occupy space in the user’s device, and the user needs to download them in order to use them.

On the contrary, a web application user can use it on any device as the app needs a browser, and it does not matter on what device the browser is available. Besides, a web application does not take up the memory space in your device, and the cost of developing an app is pretty low compared to native and hybrid apps.

Benefits of web app development

In the present scenario, when the competition in business is at its peak, having a method through which you can reach the maximum users is a must. Web application development is one such technique that will help you spread information about your business to your target audience. Below are some of the points that will tell you how web app development can be advantageous for you:

  • A cost-effective and profitable solution for your business: In web apps, the programming languages that a developer generally uses are JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. These languages are easy to understand, and hence no higher expertise is required in writing codes and making programs. It saves hiring experts’ expenses, and thus, web applications become a pretty affordable solution for your business requirements.
  • Platform-independency makes it available for everyone: One of the best things about web applications is that they are not platform-specific. Due to this, the users can access these apps on any device, no matter whatever operating system they use. This nature of web applications cuts the cost of developing separate apps for different platforms and devices.
  • Requirements of web apps, even having native apps for the same purpose: Some users do not use mobile native apps to access any particular service or platform. Therefore, the organizations require an equivalent well-performing web app for such users who only access websites. It helps the businesses reach out to the maximum target audience available on both websites and specific mobile apps.
  • Advancement in technology makes web apps better and better: Web app technologies are growing immensely day-by-day. The developers are constantly working on the web apps’ User Interface (UI) and UX (User Experience). In fact, over the last few years, web apps’ performance has been almost the same as that of native apps.

Types of Web Applications

There are various types of web applications that are different from each other based on how they appear and what they do.

Static Web Applications

As the name suggests, static web applications are the less flexible ones. These are like a collection of static pages on which all the visiting users get the same information.

  • Interactivity is pretty less in these applications compared to other types.
  • There is no room for personalization for the users since interactivity on the client-side is less in static web apps.
  • Changing or updating a web page is an arduous task. One needs to reload the whole web page to observe the changes.

Dynamic Web Applications

A Dynamic web app includes two-way interaction. It means when you enter some information in a dynamic web application, you can get different results accordingly.

  • These are interactive in nature.
  • It contains both server-side and client-side programming.
  • Users can interact in many ways while using a dynamic web app. For instance, they can search for something on the webpage, make a user profile, submit feedback or comments, and much more.

E-Commerce Applications

E-Commerce web apps are helpful when you wish to sell or buy anything through online mode. These apps are business-oriented and bring web app development to the next level.

  • E-commerce web apps can help businesses manage orders, govern transactions, and update the available products’ databases.
  • These applications offer an interface resembling the native apps to provide a smooth experience to the customers.

Portal Web Apps

Portal Web apps are the type that redirects you to a secure area from the home page where users need to log in for payment or transaction-related matters. For example, when you use a shopping website, you might be searching for your required products on an e-commerce web app, but when you proceed to make the payment, the system will land you to another payment web portal for safe and secure transactions. Those portals in the form of a web application are known as portal web apps.

Content Management System (CMS) Web Apps

If you are a non-technical user and want to create content online, this web application is for you. A CMS web app will help you in developing content and updating it online. It is a system software that creates and manages the digital content of a web app. A CMS web app can also assist a business in its Web Content Management (WCM) that plays a major role in reaching out to your target audience.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (or PWA) are not precisely a classification of a web app. In fact, these are the transformed versions of web apps that use the best and latest in the market frameworks and web technologies to produce apps that perform somewhat similar to native apps.

  • A ready-to-access web app that you can save on your home screen without even downloading them.
  • You can access them whenever you want, just with a click.
  • PWA has a large pool of plugins, web development technologies, and tools to compete with the best-in-class native apps. However, the development cost of PWA is much lesser than that of the native apps.

Wrapping Up

In the upcoming time, when the competition in the market is rising, hiring web app development services can prove to be a business advantage for you. The advanced features in the web applications are giving a solid contest to the native apps. However, in contrast to them, developing a web app is much cheaper and more manageable. As already mentioned, the most significant advantage of having a web app is that it does not occupy space in your device, is easily accessible, and is platform-agnostic. These exciting features and superb performance make web app development a sought-after option in the forthcoming time, both for the developers and product owners.

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Sanju May 26, 2021 0 Comments

How to Recognize the Quality of Website Design?

What does it make to create a website? Many factors go behind building a website. One of them is website design. It does matter how the layout looks; is it attractive enough or not. In this blog, we will talk about how to evaluate the quality of your website design.

First, what does a good website design means? It is easy to use, aesthetically delightful, and amuses the user group and trademark of the website. Several web pages are intended to focus on integrity so that no external erudition and functionality might mislead or frustrate user’s issues. Now the second question that arises is how to know if your web design is functioning? Is it up to the expectation? Without having a fair metric for ranking the quality, it is difficult to identify the quality. There is more to a thriving website than solely seeing friendly or being able to perform.

The idea concept of a successful website would be created with a particular plan in mind; it is concentrated on usability so that visitors can operate the website with completion. It includes a pleasant style to the user’s eye. The website is full of relatable content that is appropriate to the users, and it is optimized for search engines. What might appear to them as an engaging and informational site might look to the customers to be tedious and difficult.

Retaining that in mind, these are a few of the essential aspects of an influential website design by app development company, complemented with some topics that you may ask yourself when comparing the quality of your website.


The aesthetics of a website is determined by some sources. Thus, you can depart a good website from a faulty one using these systems. Premium web design follows the label and aims of the business. The brand’s colors and style should be evident in web design. The design should also look fresh and produces an overall definite impact on visitors. The method should also satisfy the target audience; a spree of fabulous options should obtain the use of an artistic layout.


According to a report, usability or comfort of performance is the amount one rule to decide a website. The website needs to be optimized for all explorers and mobile users. Study at the amount of time since it changes the bounce movement. If the website loads too leisurely, people will leave the site and never return it. The website should also highlight only functional links. Weak links are a warning that the website requires development.


Another element that makes a quality website is its excellent content. How do you decide if the content is good? Two principal features of content are involved. Its changeability and readability. The content should have significance to the reader, and it should also be simple to read. The font sign, font size, pretext, and sentence length should make understanding the content accurate. When deciding the content, ask yourself some questions; does the content convey your planned message properly?

Optimized for SEO

Your website design will only be categorized as a good one if it is effortless for readers to locate your website. Now because of it, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into the picture. The design of the website impacts SEO a lot. Graphics and photos demand ALT tags along with image representations to make them noticeable in search engines. HTML also needs to be suitable. You require to use relevant keywords for the meta descriptions, heading tags, and title tags as thoroughly. The website should also have a situation map. All these will secure your website optimized for SEO. Once it is optimized, it will be simple to spot on search engines.

High-grade strategy

You demand a solid strategy to get the most beneficial out of your website. Without this, your website will not operate and cannot be counted as a valid site. Your website needs to carry your thought information to your primary visitors. It should also tell them what you want to communicate with them. You can judge the effectiveness of your website by solving these questions: Does the design attraction to my target audience? Is my business section visible to my primary visitors? Does the design support them to take the work we need them to perceive? Is the website design assisting me to achieve the goal of the website? If yes, then your plan is surpassing. If not, you demand to revise it.

Level Of Safety

It is yet another essential feature to be analyzed while judging the quality of a website. Since most business websites expect to market some goods or services online, they need to give security traits that guarantee comprehension. Implement a secure e-commerce setup for performing online transactions reliably and smoothly. Ask relevant permits for managing user data through cookies. Follow all the aspects of their client’s privacy and security and guarantee the security of client systems from potential virus warnings by having decent scanning software in place.

Stages of User Friendliness

Several times administrators manage to feel involved between the comfort of approachability and user-friendliness of the website. It is essential to know that both these appearances are entirely separate and perform an equivalently vital role in guaranteeing the high quality of a website. The user-friendliness of a website is defined by the 2 in a pure and hassle-free manner and the stages of clarity of images and text that allow crucial data about business or products.

Final Words

A supreme quality website benefits online businesses to achieve a favorable ranking in search engine results and draws tremendous amounts of certain visitors to intensify profitability and goodwill for the business.

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Sanju May 24, 2021 0 Comments