6 Python Tools for Developing Applications

Python is known for its stellar productivity through multiple frameworks compared to other languages like Java and C++ over and above the simplicity of its syntax. According to the PYPL Index, Python was the most popular language among developers. Although it consists of incredible frameworks for simple mobile or web apps as well as complex data science and AI-based applications, let’s take a look at six most commonly used and extensively documented Python tools for developing applications
Django is the most popular and secure framework for development. It’s highly scalable and offers extensive documentation. An SEO-optimised tool, Django is ideal for quick development as it’s tried, tested and approved by software developers at large. It’s also great to achieve error free results while complex coding. It can address various project needs and build versatile applications. Some of its special features include MVC (Model-View-Controller) core architecture, Object Relational Mapper); HTTP libraries;
Middleware support; and a Python unit test framework. It has a REST framework for APIs. A simple syntax lets users focus on rapid development, while creating multiple iterations at the same time and reuse existing code. It’s known for its speed and quality at representing your models in depth using the data model syntax. It’s a trusted tool for giants like Instagram, Pinterest and NASA. It has thousands of packages for coding, testing, debugging and profiling with ‘batteries included’ approach that essentially makes it the only framework developers need to accomplish a successful full cycle development. Developers can choose from a wide range of templates, reusable code, tools and features from across projects, and out of the box libraries.
BeeWare is a collection of tools and libraries for building and distributing native applications in Python, according to its official description. Its tools are multi-functional to develop for iOS, Linux, Windows and any other. The tools offered by BeeWare are BSD licensed and can be availed and modified since it’s an open-source framework used by a big developer community. There’s enough support and documentation as well as debugging solutions to readily use.
Developers can write the app once on BeeWare and deploy it anywhere across platforms with rich, native user interface; and the libraries and support code features, tools and resources to create native-looking apps with native UI toolkit for mobile and desktops. Its popular tools are Briefcase – for converting any Python project into a native app, Batavia for implementation of the Python virtual machine written in JavaScript and Cricket the graphical tool to run test suites. Instead of a theme-based approach, BeeWare uses native widgets, useful for either new developers or seasoned experts. BeeWare is capable of enabling Python to run on different devices and has the tools to package a Python project so it can run on those devices. Python users can simply install it in their virtual environment, import it and start using it.
Based on WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface) toolkit and Jinja2 template engine,
Flask is an easy to learn light framework to build web applications, equipped with a built-in development server and fast debugger. It has RESTful request dispatching with secure cookies and a robust dynamic url routing support and restrictions for the use of databases. Unlike Django, it’s more appropriate for smaller projects but does have tools and functionality for multiple extensions. It does have the capabilities of scaling up to complex programming in applications if needed. It operates on a small core but transforms as per easy to extend approach. It’s explicit and more Pythoic as opposed to Django and easier for beginners. Once you’re familiar with its curated list of best extension packages in the Flask Extensions Registry, using Flask extensions, developers can deploy their code and integrate web APIs. There’s plenty of documentation available with active developer community troubleshooting. It’s a microframework that doesn’t include an ORM (Object Relational Manager). But developers aren’t limited to one single Python file for building a whole app and can use many files for larger programs to handle complex tasks and functions.
With easy to run multiple HTTP servers and object-oriented web application framework, CherryPy is a reliable tool for simple and complex projects alike. It features a HTTP/1.1-compliant, WSGI thread-pooled webserver with Built-in profiling, coverage, and testing. Some of its important technical features include native mod_python adapter, a configuration system for developers and deployers, built-in profiling and a complete test suite. Developers accustomed to basic Python can quickly develop with CherryPy as it’s a highly intuitive and easy to learn framework, hence ideal for beginners. For enterprise, CherryPy is available as part of the Tidelift Subscription. It’s a well designed tool for speed and build an API in a clean, organized way. If you want to develop simple applications with ease and speed, CherryPy is the right option for you as it’s minimalistic. Testing too is easy since you can test your development in-live with the preview mode. It’s incredibly easy to set up a web application and test ideas as well as to build prototypes quickly. It may be on a web server itself or can be launched via any WSGI compatible environment with efficient tools for syntax and configuration of APIs, caching, encoding, sessions, authorization, static content, etc.
The GUI framework is described as “as an open source, cross platform Python library for the development of applications that make use of user interfaces such as multi-touch apps.” It’s an ideal rapid development platform with multi touch user controls for application development. It features a graphic library using only OpenGL ES 2, and based on Vertex Buffer Object and shaders as well as a huge number of multi-touch supportive widgets and the ability to design custom widgets through Kv language. Developers can create multi-platform mobile and multi-touch application software with a Natural User Interface and run them on Windows, Linux, Android, macOS, iOS, and Raspberry Pi. Some special features of Kivy include multi-touch and gesture library, attractive UI features, visual effects and extensively documented APIs. Programmers can simply design application UI just by some simple Python codes. While it’s highly popular as a mobile app development tool, it works well for developing desktop apps as well. Another great feature is expansive library support for building stunning UI. Tying the UI elements to your own functionality is also an intuitive feature. Its architecture is based on Core Providers and Input Providers that abstract core tasks. Kivy supports various input devices such as a mouse, keyboard, TUIO, among others.
A general, open source, web application development framework, Pyramid describes itself as a ‘minimal request/response web app’ – “the start small, finish big, stay finished framework.” Its core framework is based on Zope (principles of extensibility, traversal, declarative security). It assures that developers can start as a single-file module and then use a convenient scaffold to generate a sample project with a combination of subsystems while enjoying the benefits of simple graphical representation of data and easy implementation of configuration and URL management. It allows for having more control over templating styles and database administration quickly and without enforcing decisions. Simple configurations can control the entire development environment with stability and flexibility.
Each tool should be used after considering its pros and cons with respect to specific project needs and size.